

禳除 双语例句

1. 在密教中,孔雀明王是孔雀经法的本尊,具有祈雨、禳除一切灾厄、带来安乐的神力。
    He is represented here in compassionate form, an aspect unusual for Radiant Wisdom Kings Skt.

2. 根据方志作者和其他士人对於台湾「习俗」的描述,从十六世纪中叶一直到十九世纪末叶,台湾民众生病之时通常会请童乩以禳除、祭祷、赐药之法治病。
    According to the description of Taiwanese customs written by authors of local gazetteers and other scholars of the Ch`ing Dynasty (1644-1911), from the middle of the sixteenth century to the late nineteenth century, the common people in Taiwan, when sick, would generally ask shamans to heal them by means of such methods as exorcism, prayer, and prescriptions.

3. 乡民的岁时节令习俗也无不渗透着对自然灾害的禳除和对人寿年丰的祈求。
    The activities of the villager during festival also permeated invariably for eliminating natural calamity and prayed for harvest and longevity.