

Farewell song;
离歌 网络解释

1. 离歌的翻译

1. Separation Song:02 老公老公我爱你 I Love My Husband | 03 离歌 Separation Song | 04 难道爱一个人有错吗 Is It Wrong To Love

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Hoy me yoy:03 Me enamora 恋爱 | 04 Hoy me yoy 离歌 | 05 La vida Es un ratico瞬间永怛

3. 离歌

3. HOY ME VOY:03.ME ENAMORA 恋爱 | 05.HOY ME VOY 离歌 | 05.LA VIOA...ES UN RATICO 瞬间永恒

离歌 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 当暧昧的水汽再一次沾染了那西湖畔的离歌,当月光再一次朦胧了频频过客疏离的神色,不知道是否还有人会记得那夜那歌。
    When the ambiguous once again tainted the water vapor that the West Lake from the song, when the dim moonlight, again the frequent passing alienated look, do not know if there are songs that people will remember that night.

2. 离歌

2. 离歌给我们的应该是属于后一种感觉吧。
    She is a strange girl, I haven`t seen her.

3. 唱一首离歌,献给逝去的一切
    I have nowhere to go, nobody to turn to...

4. 打扰到你们休息啊没办法,所以我送首离歌,不要留我。
    Bother your rest can't, so I send to a head to leave song, don't stay me.

5. 让爱陪着梦流浪,在落叶飘零的秋日,是风的狂啸,还是树的倔强,聆听一曲离歌为君愁。
    Let love accompanied dream street, wandering in the leaves of autumn, the wind roared, or tree stubborn to listen to a song from the King and worry.

6. 叶的凋零,吟唱着一曲离歌,几多的悲喜。
    Withered leaves, singing songs from the song, how many sorrows and joys.

7. 当一曲《离歌》让你认识信,他的高亢嗓音让你即使“死了都要爱”。
    " Departure " is the song make you know Ashin, and the high sound of " Love you till I die " may make you love his sound till your death.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. 我不曾为一曲曲离歌而哀挽,不曾为一幅幅油彩而心旷,不曾为一次次时代的飞跃而惊惶,我麻木了吗,淡泊了吗,还是怠倦了,都没有,其实在每一次历史的交响中我们怎不为此而思考,是的,每一次时空的对话、大师的对话都是震撼,在迷途中定格美景,在定格中饕餮辉煌。
    I never was one song after another rolled from the song and sorrow, never paint the heart rate to a mine, never was a time leap troubled times, I do numb, indifferent to the right, or Daijuan, and are not, in fact, In each of the history of symphonic wonder that to this end, we think, yes, every time and space for dialogue, dialogue masters are shocked, lost in the freeze frame in the beauty, in the fixed grid in the gluttonous glory.