

秃笔[tū bǐ ]

词典worn-out writing brush秃笔。

词典bald writing brush秃笔。

词典poor writing ability


词典low skill at composition

秃笔 汉英大词典

秃笔[tū bǐ]


(无笔尖的毛笔) worn-out writing brush; bald writing brush

秃笔 双语例句

1. 他的书法亦与他的绘画风格相似,极为简练,到晚年喜用秃笔,一变锐利的笔势而变成浑圆朴茂的风格。
    He is also the calligraphy and painting style similar to his, very concise, to old age with bald-T, a sharp change of T as a potential Hunyuanpumao style.

2. 秃笔的反义词

2. 我也许说得过火,但要是果真如此,那就该怪我耳朵失灵,可不能怪我这管秃笔
    I may be extravagant in this matter, but if this be the case, my ear is to blame-not my pen.

3. 秃笔的近义词

3. 我这支秃笔不行,得找个笔杆子。
    I'm no good at writing, you'll have to find someone who is.

4. 秃笔的翻译

4. 我这支秃笔不行,得找个笔杆子。
    I'm no good at writing, you'll have to find meone who is.

5. God的化身无比强大,远非我一支秃笔能传达。
    The Incarnation of God is an infinitely greater thing than anything I would dare to write.

6. 一支秃笔,写尽从零到玖的无穷变化,领悟出人生无限的轮回。
    A bare pen, write, do Jiu from zero to infinite changes, and understand that a life cycle of infinite.

7. 我这支秃笔不行,得找个笔杆子。
    Beyond the power of my poor pen

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. 董斜川也向跑堂的要了一支秃笔,一方砚台,把茶几上的票子飞快的书写着。
    Tung also asked the waiter for a brush and ink stone, took the menu from the tea table, and quickly leafed through it.