

秋老虎[qiū lǎo hǔ]



词典after summer秋老虎。

词典old wives' summer秋热;秋老虎。

词典a spell of hot weather after the Beginning of Autumn秋老虎。

秋老虎 汉英大词典

秋老虎[qiū lǎo hǔ]


after summer; afterheat; old wives' summer; {气} a spell of hot weather after the Beginning of Autumn(立秋)

秋老虎 网络解释

1. Indian summer:waterspout 海上龙卷风 | Indian summer 秋老虎 | weather modification 人工影响天气

2. 秋老虎是什么意思

2. after summer:after streaming light 后桅灯 | after summer 秋老虎 | after swim 船体水下部分后体外形

3. Old Wives' summer:陈雪 old snow | 秋老虎 Old Wives' summer | 烯烃;石腊 olefin

秋老虎 双语例句

1. 秋老虎的翻译

1. 秋日…将尽时,日子对任何头脑正常的人来说都是泠酷无情的狠,一路上,没完没了的秋老虎也直教正牌夏日大阳感到汗颜。
    At its end, days icy enough for any sane person, and along the way, those indefinite Indian summers that put the real ones to shame.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 秋初暑气由盛而降,朝凉夜热,日夜温差变化大,到了10月左右,暑气渐退,但逢秋老虎发威时,天气又闷又热,这种凉热不定的天气,最容易感冒。
    ShuQi jiamoqiuchu by cheng, heat, cold nights at night temperature change is big, in October, ShuQi gradually retreated, but every player in autumn, when the weather lank and hot, the cool hot weather, the easiest way to catch a cold.

3. 10月底的天气还这麼热,真是秋老虎啊。
    It`s still so hot at the end of October, really like summer is here again.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. 开学之前天气凉飕飕的,这个秋老虎,开学之后一个星期又热起来了,真是让人够闹心的!
    One reason was the much long lesson of BEC, another one maybe causedfrom this heavy rain.

5. 秋老虎

5. 可是,每到中午的时候,太阳又特别特别地热,使不得不勤快地脱换衣服,这就是人们所说的秋老虎吧。
    However, every noon, the sun has been particularly special to heat, so had to change clothes off diligent manner, which is what people say autumn tiger bar.

6. 偏偏结婚的那个星期三,天气是秋老虎,热得利害。
    Well, the Wednesday of their wedding turned out to be an `autumn'tiger, 'a real scorcher

7. 秋老虎刚过,天就一天比一天凉了。
    The hot autumn is just over and the weather's getting cooler day by day.