1. Autumn Sun:秋日小诗四首 Four Autumn Poems | 秋阳 Autumn Sun | 碧天黄叶地, Blue sky, golden leafy ground
1. 秋阳
1. 西望林薮丘岗之际,彩焕烂然,恍若仙境沉睡一般,而我们背后的秋阳,仿佛一个慈祥的牧人,正趁薄暮时分,赶送我们归去。
The west side of every wood and rising ground gleamed like a boundary of Ely-sium, and the sun on our backs seemed like a gentle herdsman driving us home at evening.
2. 秋阳
2. 秋阳下,寒风中,内蒙古乌拉特前旗新安镇的几位农民,向记者讲起中低产田改造项目给他们带来的好处。
Qiuyang, the cold wind, the Inner Mongolia乌拉特前旗新安镇several farmers, talk to reporters in the low-yielding fields reconstruction project to give them benefits.
3. 秋阳下,寒风中,内蒙古巴彦淖尔市乌拉特前旗新安镇的几位农民,向记者讲起河套灌区中低产田改造项目将给他们带来的好处。
Qiuyang under the cold wind, the Inner City Bayannaoer乌拉特前旗新安镇several farmers, talk to reporters in the low-yielding fields in Hetao irrigation area reconstruction project will bring them benefits.
4. 天蓝蓝的,云白白的,秋阳艳艳的,又是一年丰收时。51-论文-网-欢迎您
Days of blue, cloud white, Qiu-yang Yan-yan, and another year of bumper harvest.
5. 我爱上一位艳如秋阳的佳人,落霞洒在她的发梢
I loved a maid as red as autumn, with sunset in her hair
6. 秋风习习,秋阳高照,伴着清脆而熟悉的铃声,我们又迎来了新的学期。
In this beautiful day, we come back to our school to begin the new semester.
7. 秋阳
7. 忽然地,就无端地怀想起秋阳遍地的时光。
Suddenly, insofar as no reason to think of autumn sun in the pregnant over and over time.
8. 我梦到一颗星,一座光之岛,我该诞生於该岛。而在那悠闲的岛上,我的生命将成熟,一如秋阳下的稻田。
I dream of a star, an island of light, where I shall be born and in the depth of its quickening leisure my life will ripen its works like the rice─field in the autumn sun.
9. 现秋阳的业务足迹已遍及美国、英国、日本、韩国、新加坡、俄罗斯、法国、德国、澳大利亚、加拿大等国家。
Our footpaths so far cover the countries like the USA, England, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Russia, France, Germany, Australia, Canada, etc.
10. 老秋先生为中国秋阳翻译集团的董事长和孔子商学院的院长,致力于国学的研究和推广。
Lao Qiu is the Chairman of China Qiuyang Translation Group and the head master of the Confucius School. He has committed himself to the research and promotion of the classics of China.
11. 秋阳
11. 她还会在秋阳明丽的早晨或午后为自己沏一壶香茗,手捧一本书细细品位,慢慢欣赏。
Ming-Li, she will be in Qiuyang for the morning or afternoon, a pot of their own steep香茗, holding a grade book in detail, to appreciate slowly.