

秘藏[mì cáng]



秘藏 网络解释

1. hoard:hoary久远的 | hoard秘藏 | epicure讲究饮食的

秘藏 双语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 施法者等级:5。先决条件:「造奇物」「欧蒙秘藏箱」交易价格:2000金币。重量:5磅。
    Moderate conjuration; CL9 th; Craft Wondrous Item, secret chest; Price2, 000 gp; Weight5 lb.

2. 这是对费艾诺是否情愿放弃他的所有物的一次艰巨考验,看他是不是愿意交出精灵宝钻,舍弃自己的秘藏,后来,弗罗多在末日火山的裂隙上也面临了同样的试炼。
    This is the supreme test of Feanors willingness to give up his possessions, to let them go and be free of his need to hoard, a test as momentous as Frodo`s later at the Cracks of Doom.

3. 秘藏

3. 比如盘踞在伏流阴河之上的天星桥盆景石林,简直就是鬼斧神工造就的自然迷宫;莲花峰下,流出两条世界最短的无头无尾的河,河的上下,秘藏了观音洞,龙宫两大洞府奇观。
    For example, Tianxiangqiao Bonsai Stone Forest is located above underground rives and looks like a unique natural maze; At the foot of Lianhua Peak, there are two shortest rivers in the world without heads and tails, which conceal two cave spectacles such as Guanyin Cave and Dragon Palace at the upstream and downstream.

4. 柴窑一名最早见于明代曹昭《格古要论》,万历以后的《玉芝堂谈套》、《清秘藏》、《事物绸珠》、《五杂姐》、《博物要览》、《长物志》等书多论及此窑
    Because the site was never found so now we only say four Famous Kilns in China and Jun becaomes the No. one ancient kilns. Chai Kiln was mentioned by many historical books.

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. 禁管没人知道她是否真正闯入进那个 Sanctum 下面臭名昭著 Bitter Depths,她在古代藏宝库被抓到了。这个地方为了公众的安全秘藏了很多危险的咒语。
    Although there is no truth to the tales that she actually ventured into the infamous Bitter Depths below the Sanctum she was caught in the Ancient Repositories where the most dangerous incantations are housed for the safety of the public.

6. 说实在的,任何人得到它都会将它秘藏;我这么说是因为我不会如此。
    And besides, whoever gets it will hide it; I know it because I would do it self.

7. 秘藏

7. 经过多年的收集,他已经秘藏了很多稀世的珍宝。
    After years of collecting, he has stored up lots of rare treasures.

8. 他们仍在提供孤立秘藏的部分,虽然它们有时可不好找。
    They are still available in isolated caches of parts, although they can sometimes be hard to find.

9. 秘藏什么意思

9. 那只猫本来应该被秘藏在其它东西里面,但她却让猫从袋中跑了出来。
    That was to be kept secret from the others but she let the cat out of the bag.

10. 将记忆看做是在捉秘藏希望等待被发现的孩子。
    Think of them as children playing hide and seek, hoping and waiting to be discovered.

11. danci.911cha.com

11. 就算是对你自己也不应下判断,永远将你自己的想法秘藏心中,也容别人保留他们的想法。
      Yet even this you should not judge, but keep always your own counsel, and allow others theirs.

12. 模糊,幸福萦系的道路变得苍白,未曾挖掘的快乐,依然秘藏
      The life way with happy turned emptyly, the happiness which have not touched

13. 她的秘藏:她那上了锁的抽屉里有几把陈旧的羽毛扇、麝香熏过的带穗子的舞会请帖和一串廉价的琥珀珠子。
      Her secrets: old feather fans, tasselled dancecards, powdered with musk, a gaud of amber beads in her locked drawer.

14. 秘藏

14. 其中一支搜索队发现了一批秘藏的武器。
      The patrols had discovered an arms cache.

15. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

15. 中国的汉文化对少数民族文化产生了深远的影响,一九九四年从山西应县木塔出土的佛经残卷《应县木塔辽代秘藏》(以下简称《辽藏》)是又一力证。
      The fact that Chinese culture has great effects on the minority nationality is proved by " Ying Xian timber tower Liao dynasty secret book (short form is Liao Zang) " powerfully.

16. 秘藏

16. 绘画资源:由秘藏走向开放&古物陈列所的成立与民国初期中国画
      The Opening-up of the Painting Resources at the Beginning of the Republic: the Establishment of Institutes of Antique Exhibitions and the Chinese Paintings

17. 中国的汉文化对少数民族文化产生了深远的影响,一九九四年从山西应县木塔出土的佛经残卷《应县木塔辽代秘藏》(以下简称《辽藏》)是又一力证。
      The fact that Chinese culture has great effects on the minority nationality is proved by " Ying Xian timber tower Liao dynasty secret book (short form is Liao Zang) " powerfully.