

秤杆[chèng gǎn]


词典arm [beam] of a steelyard

词典balance arm平衡臂;秤杆;均衡梁;摆梁。

词典scale beam秤杆。

词典weigh lever秤杆。

秤杆 汉英大词典

秤杆[chèng gǎn]

arm [beam] of a steelyard; balance arm; scale beam; weigh lever; weighing lever; weigh-beam:


    A steelyard is small but it carries a weight of a thousand catties.

秤杆 网络解释

1. weighbeam:weigh 称重;重压;对比;权衡 | weighbeam 秤杆 | weighbridge 台秤

2. balance beam:balance 秤 | balance beam 秤杆 | balance pressure 平衡压力

3. 秤杆什么意思

3. scale beam:scale 标度 | scale beam 秤杆 | scale coefficient 生垢因数

4. 秤杆

4. weighlever:weighlarrycar称量车 | weighlever秤杆 | weighlock称船闸

秤杆 双语例句

1. 尽管如此,特洛伊人仍然不能打垮对手,使他们逃还;阿开亚人死死顶住,像一位细心的妇人,拿起校秤,提着秤杆,就着压码计量羊毛,求得两边的均衡,用辛勤的劳动换回些须收入,供养孩子的生活。
    But even so the Trojans could not rout the Achaeans, who still held on; and as some honest hard-working woman weighs wool in her balance and sees that the scales be true, for she would gain some pitiful earnings for her little ones, even so was the fight balanced evenly between them till the time came when Jove gave the greater glory to Hector son of Priam, who was first to spring towards the wall of the Achaeans.

2. 秤杆是什么意思

2. 大约在公元前5000年埃及人可能就用了平衡秤杆来称重;这是一根中心处有支点的杆,重物放在杆的一端,与另一端上的物体平衡。
    Balance beams for weigh ing were probably used in Egypt c. 5000 BC; they consist of a bar pivoted at its center with weigh ts on one end balancing the object on the other.

3. 热情友善的态度以及关注细节是Alex为客人提供优质服务的秤杆,同时他希望将这一风格带到他的团队,提高服务质量。
    His warm and friendly manner and his attention to detail for his guests are his forte and he hopes to instill this style in all of his team members and raise the bar in service here.

4. 秤杆的解释

4. 通过物理模型研究该河段卵石输移规律,建立采砂河段贴体正交坐标系下的平面二维水流数学模型,并利用该模型研究嘉陵江秤杆碛边滩采砂后河道水流条件的变化。
    The pebble transportation law is studied by physical model, and a 2-D horizontal numerical model in orthogonal body-fitted coordinate for flow is established to study the variation of flow condition caused by sand excavation.

5. 如何通过内部整合和市场化改革,探索出吸引最广大用户的盈利运作模式,延续盛大国内互联网巨头的领先优势,是摆在谭群钊面前的一把秤杆,也是其开放化发展战略奏效的前提。
    How to mix through in-house conformity commercialize reform, exploration gives the profit that draws the broadest user to run mode, continuance is royal the lead dominant position of domestic Internet tycoon, it is a weighbeam that is placed before Tan Qunzhao, also be its open the premise that turns development strategy get the desired result.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 这台设备的核心是一个纳米机械共振器&一个微小的硅质秤杆同时以两种不同的频率震动。
    The heart of the device is a nanoelectromechanical resonator-a tiny beam of silicon vibrating at two tones simultaneously.

7. 它吸取各家机械结构之长,采用民间水车、筒车,以及桔槔、凸轮、天平秤杆等机械原理,是集观测、演示和报时为一体的自动化天文台,精确度已达到误差每日一秒,更因为采用了早期的擒纵机构,成为机械钟的祖先。
    It absorbed the merits of different mechanical structures, applied the mechanic principles of folk waterwheel, barrel car, as well as shaduf, cam, and balance weigh beam, and thus was an automatic observatory, which had the multi function of observation, demonstration and time giving, and it gained or lost no more than one second per day. It was the ancestor of the mechanical clocks, since

8. 秤杆

8. 秤杆虽小提千斤。
    A steelyard is small but it carries a weight of a thousand catties.

9. 秤杆的近义词

9. 它们是每个企业进行资本运作走向成功的“金钥匙”;也是每个意欲致富的人进行经济评估的“秤杆”。
    They are a " gold key " helpful to every enterprise in operating its capital to success, and also a " weighing lever " for every wealth – oriented person in his economic appraisal.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. 老通宝拿着秤杆,阿四拿了那揉碎的野花片儿和灯芯草碎末。
    Old Tong Bao carried a wooden scale-pole; Ah Si followed with the chopped lamp-wick and the crushed wild flowers.

11. 秤杆的意思

11. 法庭上,法官问农民:“你有秤杆和秤砣吗?”农民回答没有。
      In court the judge asked the farmer, " Do you have measuring weights and scales? " The farmer answered no.

12. 秤杆

12. 洛克斯提到,过去的振动器也能够测量分子质量,只不过必须把成千上万的同种分子沉积在秤杆上才能实现。
      ROUKES notes that past resonators were capable of measuring molecular masses, but only after hundreds of identical molecules had been deposited onto the beam.

13. 法庭上,法官问农民:“你有秤杆和秤砣吗?”农民回答没有。
      In court the judge asked the farmer," Do you have measuring weights and scales?" The farmer answered no.

14. 它们是每个企业进行资本运作走向成功的“金钥匙”;也是每个意欲致富的人进行经济评估的“秤杆”。
      They are a " gold key " helpful to every enterprise in operating its capital to success, and also a " weighing lever " for every wealth – oriented person in his economic appraisal.