

稚子[zhì zǐ]


稚子 汉英大词典

稚子[zhì zǐ]

[书] child

稚子 双语例句

1. 希西家一定没有花很多时间教导他的稚子遵行上帝的道。
    Hezekiah must not have spent much time instructing his young son in the ways of the Lord.

2. 稚子在线翻译

2. 许多德国老人以此称呼家有稚子仍外出工作的妇女。
    Many older Germans slap that label on women with small children who go out to work.

3. 但是,逐渐地研习才察觉本人是稚子的。
    But, learning discovering self just now gradually is childish.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 你以为我稚子可欺吗?
    11Do you see any green in my eye?

5. 稚子好善,孩子的笑,笑的善良,笑的纯洁,看着他的笑,你的心只感人世的美好。
    Good good child, a child's laugh, the kind-hearted laughter, the purity of laughter, laughter at him, your heart is only good and moving the world.

6. 在森林中,一个人完全可以像蛇蜕皮一样摆脱他的年龄的羁绊,不管到了什么岁数,都可以犹如稚子
    In the woods too, a man casts off his years, as the snake his slough, and at what period soever of life, is always a child.

7. 却丝毫未料到仅仅两个月后,我生命中的每一件事都彻底改变了&我的丈夫、我的心灵伴侣,我二个稚子所挚爱的父亲,突然间离开了我们。
    Little did I expect that just two months down the road, everything in my life changed drastically-my husband, my spiritual friend, the loving father of my two young kids, left us all in a sudden.