1. 那些天蒙初开的稚童,那些鬓发苍苍的老者,那些为稻粱谋生的饮食男女,那些在生活舞台上拼搏奋斗的匹夫匹妇……芸芸来者与去者,生于斯,长于斯,葬于斯,幸福和痛苦俱在,忧伤与欢乐共存。
Those early days opened Chih Meng Tong, those gray hair on the temples of the elderly, those who make a living eating rice Liang men and women, those in the stage of life struggles of the ordinary man on the horse to women...... Among those with the last person, born and bred And was buried in Sri Lanka, happiness and suffering are there, sadness and happiness co-exist.
2. 这里我要着重指出一点,作为知识分子,尚扬身上那种耿直和关怀令人尊敬,我与他谈过许多这方面的话题,深知像他这样言行一致的知识分子在眼下少之又少,体制化已蛀空了大部分人的灵魂,体制也已成为藏污纳垢之地,那些身居要位而自以为得计的人不过是为稻粱谋的庸人。
Here I would like to point out in particular that, as an intellect, the upright and the care from Shang Yang make him respectable. I had talked over many such topics with him, I know intellects like him keep words and deeds are rare out of the rare. System had eaten up most people's souls, system had become a dirt-hiding place, Those complacent dignitaries are no more than mediocre persons.
3. 职业化之知识人多遵从现代学术体制从事知识生产,甚至将知识作为稻粱谋,而不再执着于思想之道。
Most of professional intellectuals engaged in producing knowledge, even regarded knowledge as the means of making a living instead of insisting on doctrines of thoughts.