

空口无凭[kōng kǒu wú píng]

词典a verbal statement without any proof空口无凭。

词典A mere verbal statement is no guarantee.空口无凭。

词典Oral expressions cannot be taken as proofs.空口无凭。

词典Lest a verbal arrangement should not furnish a substantial proof ...

空口无凭 汉英大词典

空口无凭[kōng kǒu wú píng]

a verbal statement without any proof; A mere verbal statement is no guarantee.; Oral expressions cannot be taken as proofs.; Lest a verbal arrangement should not furnish a substantial proof ...; mere words without a factual basis:

  例:空口无凭, 立字为证。

    Words of mouth being no guarantee, a written statement is hereby given.

空口无凭 网络解释

1. 空口无凭的近义词

1. Circumstantial:What about that filthy video on YouTube?|还有YouTube上那些肮脏的视频? | Circumstantial.|空口无凭 | Your Honor...|法官大人...

空口无凭 双语例句

1. 不论中国还是美国,都必须拿出切实有效的气候变化解决方案——我们不想再听那些空口无凭的承诺了。
    We need REAL solutions from both China and the US- no more lip service!

2. 我不能空口无凭地去找他。
    I can't go to him without any proof.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 但是,这终究是空口无凭
    But, this is oral promise is not enough finally.

4. 空口无凭,立字为证。
    Words of mouth being no guarantee, a written statement is hereby given.

5. 空口无凭,立字儿为据。
    A verbal statement is no guarantee; a written text must be given as evidence.

6. 空口无凭,我们有图有真相!
    A mere verbal statement is no guarantee, we have a graph to have the real situation!

7. 空口无凭,立字为证。模板名包含无效字符。名称只能包含字符和数字。
    The template name contains invalid characters. You must specify a name that includes only letters and numbers.

8. 乌鸦说:空口无凭,既然你夸耀自己的眼力,那请说说在旷野上你看到了什么东西?
    You're just boasting about your eyesight without any evidence, said the crow. If it were so, then tell me what you can see in the wilderness.