



竞技跳水 双语例句

1. 竞技跳水

1. 在竞技跳水之前,跳水的好坏是以高度来衡量的。
    In front of athletics diving, the diving quality is by weighs highly.

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2. 竞技跳水是一项由个人参加的竞赛项目。
    Competitive diving is an individual from participating in the games.

3. 一般公认这是最早的现代竞技跳水
    Recognizes this is the earliest modern athletics diving generally.

4. 跳水运动包括实用跳水、表演跳水和竞技跳水
    Diving campaign includes practical diving, diving and competitive diving performance.

5. 近代竞技跳水是随着其他欧美体育一道在20世纪初传入我国的。1979年以来,我国选手在一系列重大比赛中取得优异成绩,现在中国、美国、俄罗斯、德国、加拿大已经被公认为世界跳水强国。
    No. 5 to 1912 Olympic Games, an increase of women's sports. Modern competitive diving is a sport with the other Europe and the United States in the early 20th century came to China. Since 1979, China in a series of major players in the game made outstanding achievements, China, the United States, Russia, Germany, Canada has been recognized as the world diving power.

6. 竞技跳水

6. 现代竞技跳水始于20世纪初。1900年,瑞典运动员在第2届奥运会上作了精彩的跳水表演,一般公认这是最早的现代竞技跳水。1904年第3届奥运会上,男子跳水被列为正式比赛项目。1908年正式制定了跳水比赛规则。
    Modern diving competition began in the early 20th century. 1900, the Swedish athletes in the first two Olympic Games, delivered a brilliant diving performances, it is generally accepted in the first modern competitive diving. 1904 third Olympics, was listed as the official man diving events.

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7. 竞技跳水运动分为跳板跳水及跳台跳水两大项,从这两顶可区分出六大类与数百个动作,做为运动员竞赛之用,但因其竞赛项目并不多,想要取得奖牌并不容易。
    Diving sport could be divided into springboard and platform diving. It could be distinguished by six major categories and hundreds motions. for athletes to apply in competitions.

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8. 南京体育学院是江苏省规模最大的竞技体育训练基地,有乒乓球、羽毛球、网球、篮球、排球、田径、举重、体操、艺术体操、武术、蹦床、技巧、击剑、自行车、游泳、跳水、花样游泳等十七个项目的省优秀运动队,在国际、国内大赛中取得了一系列优异成绩,为国家培养、输送了一大批优秀运动员、教练员,其中有栾菊杰、林莉、葛菲、顾俊、黄旭、张军、李菊、阎森、陈玘、仲满、陆春龙、陈若琳十二位奥运会冠军,蔡振华、孙晋芳、孙志安等七十多位世界冠军和世界纪录创造者,以及一百多位获得国家体育运动荣誉奖章、享受政府特殊津贴的教练员。
    Among them are nine Olympic championship winners: Luan Jujie, Lin Li, Ge Fei, Gu Jun, Huang Xu, Zhang Jun, Li Ju, Yan Sen, and Chen Qi, and over seventy world champions and world record makers, including Cai Zhenhua, Sun Jinfang and Sun Zhi`an. In addition, more than one hundred coaches have been awarded state-level honorary medals on many occasions and enjoy special governmental allowances.

9. 竞技跳水的解释

9. 我国竞技跳水双人项目金牌分布特征与分析
    The Characteristics and Analyses of the Distribution of Synchro Event Gold Medals of the 3 Greatest World Diving Games in Athletic Diving

10. 竞技跳水什么意思

10. 竞技体育的可持续发展是新世纪我国体育界面临的重大课题,我国竞技体育后备人才的培养关系到竞技体育的未来发展,加强跳水后备人才的培养,是保证跳水运动可持续发展的关键。
    The competition sports sustainable development will be the important issue which our country will face in the new century. Our country competitive sports reserved talents have important effect to the future development. So it is a key problem.

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11. 中国竞技跳水运动面临的挑战与应对策略
      Challenges and countermeasures of competitive diving in China

12. 竞技跳水的解释

12. 讨论了现代游泳跳水馆建筑外部空间环境,探讨了竞技型游泳跳水馆和竞技&休闲型游泳跳水馆建筑平面布局的各种不同形态。
      It discussed building outside space environment of the modern swimming diving hall, and discussed athletics swimming diving hall and athletics leisure swimming diving hall construction planar configuration each kind of different shape.

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13. 田径、击剑、竞技实力有所增长;羽毛球、射击、跳水竞技实力保持平稳;举重、排球、自行车、体操和艺术体操项目的竞技实力有所下滑。
      Track and field, fencing competition strength increased; badminton, shooting, diving competition remained stable; weightlifting, volleyball, cycling, gymnastics and rhythmic gymnastics competition strength declined. 3.

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14. 另外,广东奥运竞技表现优势项目的单一,只有举重和跳水为奥运优势项目。
      And only lifting and diving is subdue project in Olympics Games.

15. 调查研究发现:江西省优势竞技体育项目主要有水上项目中的赛艇和皮划艇、田径(短跑、投掷、全能)、跳水、游泳、举重、摔跤和射击等。
      The research result indicates that the competitive sports in Jiangxi Province now consist mainly of such aquatic projects as rowing, canoeing, swimming, track and field (dash, throwing, all-round), diving, weightlifting, rassling and so on.