

竭心[jié xīn]


竭心 双语例句

1. 我将竭心尽力地工作。
    I will work my heart out.

2. 竭心的意思

2. 让你的员工知道你要他们一有机会,就竭心尽力地协助顾客。
    Let your people know that you want them to go out of their way for customers whenever they can.

3. 竭心的意思

3. 我们将竭心尽力做好每一个部件。
    We will do our best everycomponents.

4. 这使得他们会不计盈亏的对公司竭心尽力。
    This motivates them to give their all to their companies, whether they make money or not.

5. 竭心的翻译

5. 赛特奥的经营理念:以市场为主导,以质量求生存,我们将竭心尽力做好每一个部件。
    Special Olympics business philosophy: market-driven, quality of survival, we will make every endeavour to Jiexin components.

6. 我们在产品推广、信息反馈、客户服务方面竭心尽力,不懈追求。
    Our product promotion, information feedback, customer servicebest, relentless pursuit.

7. 竭心

7. 总而言之,如果你不在游戏早期把技能投入到心脏止搏器/竭心光环,就会使得敌方英雄一直守在他们的塔下,也不能逼迫他们回去泡温泉。
    All in all, if you don't get heartstopper aura early game, its kinda like letting enemy heroes camp near their tower, knowing that they dont have to go back to fountain to heal.

8. 竭心的翻译

8. 只要您的产品是一手货源、款式新颖、质量保证、价格公道,我们愿竭心竭力为您带来更多的销售额,让酷吧成为您产品销售的黄金渠道。
    YunFeng''s prediction witness: Chen Jian, Xiao Qi

9. 本着以诚信为宗旨,不断开拓创新,与各服装生产企业携手合作为中国服装进一步走向世界,打造中国的世界品牌而竭心努力。
    With sincerity as its purpose, the company is striving to exploit and innovate and to cooperate with other.

10. 更有效的是,它让吃树成为废柴,你想想,25秒回175血,才每秒5点血,这个技能使得他们在心脏止搏器/竭心光环影响下完全无法回血。
    Effectively, it also makes tango near useless. 175 hp over 25 seconds is the equivalent of 5 hp per second, and if they are within heart stopper aura, that is quite possibly negated.

11. 竭心

11. 我们将一如既往地珍视亲爱的同事们和网友们的厚望,重视你们的每一个声音,珍藏你们的每一声祝福,纳取你们的每一条建议,竭心尽力将我们共同的家园建设得更加美好。2009年,让我们怀揣憧憬,脚踏实地,携手并肩前行!
      We will continue to treasure my dear colleagues and the expectations of users, each of great importance to your voice, every collection gives you the blessing of your satisfaction from each of the recommendations we make every effort common homeland and build a brighter future. In 2009, let us look forward, down-to-earth, working with pre-trip!