

竹帛[zhú bó]

词典bamboo tablets and textiles竹帛。

词典ancient books方册;古记;方策;古籍。

词典bamboo slips and silk竹帛。

竹帛 汉英大词典

竹帛[zhú bó]

bamboo tablets and textiles (both used as paper in ancient times); ancient books; bamboo slips and silk

竹帛 网络解释

1. 竹帛的意思

1. ancient books:an inscription on a tablets, epigraph 碑文 | ancient books 竹帛 | annalistic style 编年体

竹帛 双语例句

1. 竹帛的近义词

1. 文字的发明和图书文献的产生--竹帛时期;2。
    The invention of writing and books and documents produced

2. 竹帛的翻译

2. 书,是中国古代最重要的历史文化产物之一,尽管在纸和印刷发明之前,我们的先人只能书于竹帛
    Book is one of the most important valuables in ancient China, though our ancestor only had " Written on Bamboo and Silk " before paper and printing were invented.

3. 竹帛的近义词

3. 最早的霸桥纸约有2200年的历史。到公元2世纪,纸已取代竹帛,成为主要的书写工具。
    Earliest paper unearthed dated back to 2200 years ago. By the second century aD paper had replaced bamboo and silk as the principal medium for writing.

4. 竹帛

4. 书,是中国古代最重要的历史文化产物之一,尽管在纸和印刷发明之前,我们的先人只能书于竹帛
    Book is one of the most important valuables in ancient China, though our ancestor only had " Written on Bamboo and Silk " before paper and printing were invented.

5. 河内的名胜古迹和风景区很多,除著名的还剑湖、西湖、文庙、独柱寺、二征女王庙、玉山祠、龟塔、螺城等外,尚有竹帛湖、百草公园、列宁公园、栋多岗、莲派寺、浪寺、石夫人寺、象伏寺、金鼓祠、和风塔和医庙等。
    Hanoi, a lot of monuments and scenic areas, in addition to the famous Hoan Kiem Lake, West Lake, Confucian Temple, Chua Mot Cot, 2 Zheng F Temple, Jade Mountain Temple, Turtle Tower, Lo City endures, there are Bamboo and Silk Lake, Baicao Park, Lenin Park, Dondo Kong, Lin sent Temple, waves Temple, Ms.