

竹纸[zhú zhǐ]


词典paper made from young bamboo竹纸。

词典bamboo paper竹纸;[化] 毛边纸。

竹纸 汉英大词典

竹纸[zhú zhǐ]


paper made from young bamboo; bamboo paper

竹纸 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. bamboo paper:bamboo paper basket 竹纸篓 | bamboo paper 竹纸 | bamboo partridge 竹鸡

2. bamboo:书脊印字 back print | 竹纸 bamboo | 竹简 bamboo slips(used for writing on during ancient times)

竹纸 双语例句

1. 家庭竹纸/公司名称及地址

2. 竹纸的近义词

2. 这种竹纸高一尺,长四尺,并不裁断,抄得了,卷成一卷。
    This Zhu Zhi force of long Sichi, is not found, had copied, Juan Chengyi Vol.

3. 合理开发利用非木质森林资源,建设商品林竹基地,加快已确定的林板、竹纸一体化工程建设。
    Rationally develop and utilize non-wood forest resources, establish commercial forest and bamboo and speed up development of confirmed forest-board and bamboo-paper integrated projects.

4. 可以看出,中国古代通俗小说传播发展的每一个分期都是各个传播要素共同发展、相互促进的发展过程,某一发展过程中某一传播要素的细微变化,都可能促使这一阶段的通俗小说传播发生巨大的改变,由此引起的结果甚至会影响到整个中国古代通俗小说传播发展的进程和传播发展的速度,如竹纸的应用、字体的变化等就对中国古代通俗小说的传播发展带来了深远的影响。
    Therefore, it was of great importance to investigate them respectively because the slight changes in one factor or in one period would cause the dramatic change of the popular fictions and thus touched the evaluative course and developmental speed of the whole ancient Chinese fictions. For example, the application of the bamboo paper and the variety of the letterform had the far-reaching influence on the communication of the ancient Chinese popular fiction.

5. 中国竹纸史考探
    On Examining and Probing the History of the Chinese Bamboo Paper