

竺学[zhú xué]



竺学 双语例句

1. 江西飞宇电子科技有限公司前身为浙江嵊州飞宇电声有限公司,于1980年始创于具有中国越剧之乡、围棋之乡、领带之乡、茶叶之乡之称的浙江省嵊州市,初期是一个基础薄弱的小型工厂,在创始人竺学见先生的正确引领下,经过十多年的快速发展,终于成为一个在国内外享有著名声誉的电声企业,被列为浙江省嵊州市的重点企业。1999年底,竺学见先生独具胆识,把工厂迁往江西吉安的新干县城南工业区,并在广东的河源、东莞的塘厦、深圳的福永组建生产基地。2003年底,在新余市高新技术经济开发区组建规模宏大的江西飞宇电子科技有限公司。
    Jiangxi Feiyu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. formerly known as Zhejiang Shengzhou Feiyu electro-acoustic Co., Ltd., founded in 1980 with Chinese Shaoxing area, game area, tie the township, township of tea known as Zhejiang Shengzhou, initially weak a basis for small factories, in the co-founder, Mr. Zhu Xue see the correct lead, and after ten years of rapid development, has finally become a well-known reputation both at home and abroad to enjoy the electro-acoustic enterprises, Shengzhou, Zhejiang Province is listed as the key enterprises. By the end of 1999, Mr. Zhu Xue-see unique courage and insight, the factory moved to a new stem Jiangxi Ji'an county Southern Industrial Zone, and Heyuan in Guangdong, Dongguan Tangxia, Shenzhen Fuyong the formation of the production base. By the end of 2003, in the high-tech Economic Development Zone, Xinyu City, the formation of large-scale electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Jiangxi Feiyu. Jiangxi Feiyu Electronics Technology Co., Ltd.