

简明扼要[jiǎn míng è yào]

词典be concise and to the point简明扼要;提纲挈领。

词典brief [short] and to the point

词典terse and concise简明扼要。

简明扼要 汉英大词典

简明扼要[jiǎn míng è yào]

be concise and to the point; brief [short] and to the point; terse and concise:


    a remarkable concise report;


    The explanation in this dictionary is concise and to the point.

简明扼要 网络解释

1. in brief:in body亲自, | in brief简明扼要, | in case万一,

2. danci.911cha.com

2. concisely and clearly to the point:简化,使单纯 simplify | 简明扼要 concisely and clearly to the point | 剪样 sample cutting

3. brief and to the point:In brief 简言之 | Brief and to the point 简明扼要 | 12. interpret 解释 说明