

Xiao Nao song;
箫铙歌 双语例句

1. 箫铙歌

1. 再后来横吹曲又从鼓吹曲中分出,狭义的鼓吹曲便成了短箫铙歌的专称。北方的鼓吹乐和横吹乐,分别在汉代和东晋南渡后就已开始传到南方。
    The guchui music and hengchvimusic in the North part of China introduced into the South part seperated in Han Dynasty and Dongjin.

2. 流传下来的只有短箫铙歌一类,因此多用短箫铙歌代鼓吹之名。
    Handed down only a short flute song Nao a class, so many songs with a short flute Rao advocating on behalf of the name.