

粉墨登场[fěn mò dēng chǎng]

词典make oneself up and go on the stage粉墨登场。


词典mount the stage in full regalia [makeup]

词典don one's costume [dress up

词典put on one's makeup] and go on the stage

粉墨登场 汉英大词典

粉墨登场[fěn mò dēng chǎng]


make oneself up and go on the stage; mount the stage in full regalia [makeup]; don one's costume [dress up; put on one's makeup] and go on the stage; embark on a political venture; enter upon office fully dressed up; put on one's costume and make one's ent

粉墨登场 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. Vesti La Giubba:<<丑角>>一剧奠定了雷昂卡瓦洛在歌剧史上的地位,其中的脍炙人口的曲目<粉墨登场>(Vesti la giubba)流传至今,成为最广为人知的名曲之一. 义大利著名的歌剧作曲家威尔第1813年生於在义大利北部布塞托 (Busseto) 附近的龙科 (Le Roncole) 小乡村.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. make oneself up and go or stage; embark upon a political venture:焚书坑儒--burn books and bury the literatis in pits | 粉墨登场--make oneself up and go or stage; embark upon a political venture | 粉身碎骨--have one's body smashed to pieces; die the most cruel dea...

3. Fen Mo Deng Chang:粉麒麟 Fen Qi Lin | 粉墨登场 Fen Mo Deng Chang | (七)紫蓝色类 Purple Black