

粗制滥造[cū zhì làn zào]

词典crudely made粗制滥造。


词典turn out [produce] rough and slipshod [poor and shoddy] work [products]

词典fudge sth.粗制滥造。

词典manufacture in a rough and slipshod way[法]粗制滥造。

粗制滥造 汉英大词典

粗制滥造[cū zhì làn zào]

crudely made; turn out [produce] rough and slipshod [poor and shoddy] work [products]; fudge sth.; manufacture in a rough and slipshod way; poorly and hastily manufactured; rough and splished methods of manufacture; turn out in large quantity without any r

粗制滥造 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. bungle v:bumptious adj.傲慢的,自夸的 | bungle v.粗制滥造 | buoy n.浮标;救生圈;v.支持,鼓励

2. 粗制滥造

2. bat out:bat hides || 钞票 | bat out || 粗制滥造 | bat printing || 棒印法(陶瓷装饰方法)

3. potboil:potbelly 大肚皮 | potboil 粗制滥造 | potboiler 粗制滥造作品

4. 粗制滥造的意思

4. fudge:optimum 适合的 | fudge 粗制滥造 | sloppy 不整洁的