

糅杂[róu zá]



糅杂 双语例句

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1. 该舞蹈现代感与传统糅杂,在朴素基调上闪现新颖的火花。
    The modern and traditional dance, in plain RouZa sparks flashed on the new key.

2. 糅杂什么意思

2. 玛拉对卢克的仇恨减少了,对他的绝地技艺渐生一种糅杂着嫉妒与钦佩的感情。
    Blunting her hatred for him, Mara developed a begrudging respect for the Jedi and his skills.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 通过这些素朴真切的文字,糅杂了经历、感悟、智慧与激情,记下了人生某些精彩的体验:那个能够不断启发、感动、刺激我们的课堂其实是我们生命的一部分,无论从哪一页打开,都充满了对人的成长秘密的感叹和眷恋。
    Through these naive real text, melted mixed with experience, insights, wisdom and passion, write down some wonderful experiences of life: That can be continuously inspired, moved, and stimulate our classroom is part of our lives, no matter from which page opens, is full of people lament the growth of secret and sentimentally attached to.

4. 但是,脏腑虽然已演变为功能单位,其原有解剖器官的含义却长久地残留下来,二种含义错综糅杂,混乱不清。
    For example, xin referred to the functional unit which is mainly composed of the activities of central nervous system and blood circulation; fei referred to the functional unit mainly of respiratory activities and body fluid metabolism.