

糟糠之妻[zāo kāng zhī qī]

词典wife who has shared her husband's hard lot糟糠之妻。

糟糠之妻 汉英大词典

糟糠之妻[zāo kāng zhī qī]


wife who has shared her husband's hard lot:


    A wife who shared her husband's hard lot must never be cast aside.

糟糠之妻 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 光明正大的包2奶,糟糠之妻啊。
    Open and aboveboard package 2 milk Zaokangzhiqi ah.

2. 糟糠之妻

2. 出门前,我那徐娘半老的妈妈打扮得花枝招展,鬼斧神工到一点也看不出是个糟糠之妻
    Out in front of my mother Xuniangbanlao up a kill, to the point uncanny workmanship can not see is a Zaokangzhiqi.

3. 路边社称农民乔治的主要兴趣在于田园生活与糟糠之妻上(leg of mutton是羊腿袖的意思,不解)。
    Gossips claimed Farmer George`s chief pleasures were a leg of mutton and his plain little wife.

4. 糟糠之妻的翻译

4. 路边社称农民乔治的主要兴趣在于田园生活与糟糠之妻上(leg of mutton是羊腿袖的意思,不解)。
    Gossips claimed Farmer George`s chief ple asures were a leg of mutton and his plain little wife.

5. 糟糠之妻的近义词

5. 幸福是个很私人的事情,在这看看我们周围那些自怨自艾的人吧,有些人很有钱却抱怨生活不幸福,看不起和自己相伴的糟糠之妻;有些人有一点小病就怨天尤人,忧心忡忡担心自己哪一天不久于人世;有些人遇到人生的挫折就失去了方向和动力;有些人一直活在过去的阴影里或辉煌中不愿意走出,不去看看如何应对变化的世界。
    Happiness is a very private matter, in that we take a look at the people around you who? some people complain about a lot of money but the well-being of life, look down and their accompanying some people it is minor ailments on the blame on others, worry worry their long day in the world; some of the setbacks encountered in life has lost direction and motivation; some people have been living in the shadow of the past or do not want to go out in glory, do not look at how to respond to a changing world.

6. 我周围事业非常成功的男士,糟糠之妻都是很贤惠,相貌甚至平平其貌不扬,可是个个都很旺夫。
    I am a very successful business man around, first wives are very virtuous, and handsome looks or even mediocre, but all are very busy husband.

7. 糟糠之妻在线翻译

7. 糟糠之妻不下堂。
    A wife who shared her husband's hard lot must never be cast aside.

8. 譬如他那位原配的糟糠之妻,凑趣地死了,让他娶美丽的续弦夫人。
    For instance, his wretched first wife did her part and died, allowing him to take a beautiful wife in a second marriage.