1. 系心在线翻译
1. 低心排综合征系心内直视手术的严重并发症,为术后患者死亡的主要原因。
The low output syndrome (LOS), which is a serious complication after the open heart surgery, has been a main cause of death during the postoperative period;
2. 通过对宇宙中有形运动物质绕系心公转而且自转这种普遍现象的研究,发现在宇宙中除已知的4种力外,还存在着第五种无形的旋转力;
Through the most fundamental study on the motion phenomenon that the tangible motion substance revolving around the system center also revolves around its own axis in the universe, author found that the fifth intangible whirling force existed except for the known four forces in the universe;
3. 系心的意思
3. 古近系心组红岗段是广东三水盆地的主要生油层,以一套黑一灰黑色页岩沉积为主,其富含有机质、纹层理发育良好的岩层与相对贫有机质、含微体生物化石的微扰动层交替出现。
The Honggang Member of the Buxin Formation is the main source rock in the Sanshui Basin. It is composed mainly of alternating laminated, organic-rich, and microbioturbated, organic-lean shales.