

A statue;
纡尊 双语例句

1. 纡尊在线翻译

1. 你那纡尊降贵的表情是什麼意思?
    What's with that condescending look?

2. 纡尊的意思

2. 我但愿他不要假惺惺的纡尊降贵接近部门的低级员工。
    I do wish he wouldn`t condescend to the junior staff in his department.

3. 她和我之间的平等地位是真实的,而不只是她那方面纡尊降贵的结果。
    The equality between her and me was real; not the mere result of condescension on her part

4. 我但愿他不要假惺惺地纡尊降贵接近部门里的低级员工。
    I do wish he wouldn't condescend to the junior staff in his department. save

5. 我但愿他不要假惺惺地纡尊降贵接近部门里的低级员工。
    I do wish he wouldn't condescend to the junior staff in his department.

6. 纡尊的解释

6. 当我们还是身陷罪中的时候,祂甘愿纡尊降贵地来到我们中间,拯救我们,引领我们来到祂和祂儿子的身边。
    He stooped down to where we were in sin and lifted us up to a place right beside himself and his son.

7. 纡尊是什么意思

7. 福音是祂纡尊降贵,同情我们,且与我们一同受苦。
    The gospel is that He stoops, sympathises and suffers alongside us.

8. 他以为自己很了不起,所以不会纡尊再来看我们了吧。
    He thinks himself so important that he won't vouchsafe to visit us any more.

9. 一般来说,前者可能比较好玩,不过有点卑劣纡尊,而后者显然是你要走的方向。
    While the former might be funny, in a slightly mean, condescending way, the latter is certainly the direction you're headed in, in general.

10. 纡尊在线翻译

10. 至高无比、不可理解、不可接近、自存自有的天主,甘愿纡尊就卑,降临到如地上微虫的我们,如虚无的人间中。
    The Most High, the Incomprehensible One, the Inaccessible One, He who is, deigned to come down to us poor earthly creatures who are nothing at all.

11. 纡尊在线翻译

11. 华仔更特别为十月十日生日的阿梅,准备一份生日礼物,他说︰「呢份礼物真系好用心良苦、纡尊降贵、好辛苦搭通天地线搵碧咸签名饱I」令阿梅笑不拢嘴说︰「我好恨有呀!
      Wah Tsei knows that 10/10 is Ah Mui's birthday, so he already prepared a gift for her, he said: Ah Mui could not stop smiling and said

12. 纡尊的翻译

12. 「婚礼聚会中的每个人都认为自己是主要的角色,纡尊降贵来观看婚礼大典。
      And every member of the congregation at the wedding sees himself as the major character, condescending to witness the spectacle.

13. danci.911cha.com

13. 令尊大人或可纡尊降贵帮助刷锅洗碗吧!
      Perhaps your father would condescend to help with the washing-up!