

纷乱如麻 双语例句

1. 所有这些错综复杂、纷乱如麻的阴谋诡计,只不过是在高级将领之间必然会发生的事情,现在真实地反映出来。
    All these schemes, thwarting and stultifying one another, were simply accepted in the higher spheres as the correct reflection of what was bound to come to pass.

2. 纷乱如麻

2. 这个半文明半野蛮的人好半天心里纷乱如麻,不知道应当怎样看待自己的行为。
    For a minute the mind of this creature, equally of civilization and barbarism, was a sort of chaos as to feeling, not knowing what to think of its own act

3. 其在中国完全是外来户,70年代末,面对百废待兴的学术局面,面对纷乱如麻的社会问题,学科引进仓促上阵,通过引进西方社会工作理论在我国强迫建立学科。限于学术水平,很长一段时间,中国的社会工作只能是西方理论的简单拼凑。
    It in China completely is the foreign family, at the end of the 70's, facing the have a hundred things to do academic aspect, facing the chaotic like hemp's social question, the discipline introduction hastily go forth to battle, through introduce the west social work theory to force the establishment discipline in our country, Is restricted in the academic level, very long period of time, China's social work only can be the western theory simply pieces together.