1. 她还在研究着护学,他曾大大地帮助过她研究关于解副学和其他应学的东西,那是个聪慧的孩子,他得过雪非尔德公学的奖学拿,学过法文和其他的东西,以后终竟成了个蹄铁匠,他说那是因炮喜欢马的缘故,其实那是因为他不敢与世触,不过他永不承认罢了。
It was when she was studying, and he had helped her a lot with the anatomy and things she had had to learn. He'd been a clever boy, had a scholarship for Sheffield Grammar School, and learned French and things: and then after all had become an overhead blacksmith shoeing horses, because he was fond of horses, he said: but really because he was frightened to go out and face the world, only he'd never admit it.
2. 终竟是什么意思
2. 回想当初侍立君堂,甚或见逐门首,忽焉七载飞去。斯年以来,吾力排艰辛,独撑大业,无援手相助,无片言相许,无一笑相期。幸得终竟全功,付梓在即。当此时,发怨尤之词,恐无益也。
Seven years, my Lord, have now past since I waited in your outward rooms, or was repulsed from your door, through difficulties of which it is useless to complain, and without one act of assistance, one word of encouragement, or one smile of favor.
3. 似乎约翰终竟不来。
It seems that John is not coming after all.
4. 有缺点的战士终竟是战士,完美的苍蝇也终竟不过是苍蝇。
The fighter for all his blemishes is a fighter, while the most perfect flies are only flies.