

绕弯子[rào wān zi]


绕弯子 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. the trips out of town:ring a bell想起来 | the trips out of town绕弯子 | try to throw sb under the bus把sb置于死地

2. 绕弯子

2. Tell me the truth; don't beat about the bush:193.She broke into tears when I told her the news.(失声痛哭) | 194.Tell me the truth; don't beat about the bush.(绕弯子) | 196.Take the umbrella in case.(以防万一)

绕弯子 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 别这麽绕弯子了,有话直说吧!
    Don't be so mealy-mouthed, say what you mean!

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 倒不是……不过……典型的绕弯子式美国思维模式
    Not that it`syour business, but we did go out.

3. 别这么绕弯子了,有话直说吧!
    Don't be so mealy -mouthed, say what you mean!

4. 别和我绕弯子了-我想知道你爱不爱我!
    Don't play games with me-I want to know if you love me or not!

5. 别再绕弯子了,告诉我你究竟怎么想的。
    Tell me what on earth you think about it.

6. 他喜欢写绕弯子的话。
    He is fond of writing tricky sentences.

7. 绕弯子

7. 听着 我可不想跟你绕弯子你明白吧
    Listen, I ain't trying to be spars with you, you know.

8. 别和我绕弯子。。。
    Don't play coy with me.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. 我就不跟你绕弯子了。
    Let me be straight with u.

10. 绕弯子

10. 如果你有什么事就说吧,别绕弯子,亲爱的,我很忙。
    If you have something to tell me, don`t beat around the bush.

11. 绕弯子在线翻译

11. 尽管这种因果关系十分明晰,新闻记者和经济学家还是在真正的答案边上绕弯子
      Though this cause and effect is obvious, reporters and economists choose to circumscribe the real explanation.

12. (有些绕弯子的)模式语法造成的纷乱迫切需要进行简化。
      The amount of distraction that's caused by the (somewhat convoluted) schema syntax cries out for simplification.

13. danci.911chaxun.com

13. “丹尼尔,别绕弯子了,”布伦达厉声说道。
      'Cut the euphemisms, Daniel, 'Brenda snapped

14. 别这麽绕弯子了,有话直说吧!
      Don't is so mealy mouthed, say what you mean!

15. 别跟我绕弯子&我问的问题直截了当,回答也要直截了当!
      Don't equivocate with me I want a straight answer to a straight question!

16. 不要暗示,不要绕弯子,也别打哑谜。
      No hints, no insinuations, no clever allusions.

17. 绕弯子在线翻译

17. “丹尼尔,别绕弯子了,”布伦达厉声说道。
      'Cut the euphemisms, Daniel,'Brenda snapped