1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
1. 把我的血液输进横遭车祸的孩子的身体里,一直活到儿孙绕膝。
Give my blood to the teenager who was pulled from the wreckage of his car, so that he might live to see his grandchildren play.
2. 绕膝的解释
2. 我会是一个儿孙绕膝,生活在自然中间的慈祥的老人。
I will be a kind old farmer surrounding with grandchildren and nature.
3. 绕膝是什么意思
3. 而且,他们都说,不是你希望这会儿子孙绕膝吗?
Ah yes, they agreed, it's a time you want your family around you, isn't it?
4. 绕膝的近义词
4. 他幸福地享受着孙儿绕膝的天伦之乐。
He looked happily at his great grandchildren playing about him.
5. 原本现在应该是儿孙绕膝,过着幸福的晚年,可现在呢?我愧对我的母亲!
Originally it is children and grandchildren around the knee, living a happy old age, can now be I am unworthy of my mother!
6. danci.911cha.com
6. 人们还向往着儿孙绕膝跑、欢歌宴乐高的愉快,能纵酒三千诗百篇当然更好,穿金戴银、冠粉履英也是妙不可言的一种,然后就是吟诗作赋、祭祀神灵,正所谓谈笑有鸿儒、往来无白丁。
And they and their children will feast, drinking of the wine which they have made, wearing garlands on their heads, and hymning the praises of the gods, in happy converse with one another.
7. 绕膝在线翻译
7. 当你老了,你会问谁将照顾你的晚年,以及为什么别人儿孙绕膝,而你,没有。
And when you are old, you will wonder who is going to take care of you in your dotage and why you didn't have children and grandchildren to be with.
8. 他养牛、种玉米,在公司董事会任职,享受着孙辈绕膝的生活。
He raised cattle and corn, served on corporate boards and enjoyed his grandchildren.
9. 绕膝的近义词
9. 她们多数已完成了养儿育女的义务,本该赋闲居家,尽情享受儿女绕膝的天伦之乐。
Their majority already was finished raise the obligation of Yo daughter, ought endow with home of stay at home idle, enjoy children to circle the family happiness of genu to the top of one's bent.