



绘事后素 双语例句

1. 绘事后素展览服务有限公司是一家从事国际、国内大型展览会展台设计建造的专业公司,本公司业务遍及世界各地,除拥有一批高质素的员工及各专业部门外,公司在北京、上海、广州、成都等地都设有分支机构或专业制作工厂。
    HUISHI EXHIBITION SERVICE CO., LTD. is a company specialized in design and construction in international and national exhibitions. The business of the company covers all over the world. Besides a batch of highly proffessional staff and departments, the company has set up branches or special fabrication factories in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu.

2. 其美学论文及绘画作品发表于《文艺研究》、《美术观察》、《美术》、《装饰》等国家级重点学术期刊上30余种。2003年中国文联出版社出版其美学专著《绘事后素——中国古代绘画的五色美学观念》,2006年中国书店出版社出版其美学专著《象外之意——周易意象学与中国书画美学》,该研究2007年获得江苏省第十届哲学社会科学优秀成果三等奖。
    His second monograph won the third prize of the Tenth Excellent Achievements in Philosophy and Social Science of Jiangsu province in 2007

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3. 其美学论文发表于《文艺研究》、《美术观察》、《美术》、《装饰》、《国画家》等国家级重点学术期刊上30余种,2003年中国文联出版社出版其美学专著《绘事后素——中国古代绘画的五色美学观念》,2006年中国书店出版社出版其美学专著《象外之意——周易意象学与中国书画美学》,该研究2007年获得江苏省第十届哲学社会科学优秀成果三等奖。
    As a result, in 2007, the monograph won the third prize of the Tenth Excellent Achievements in Philosophy and Social Science of Jiangsu province.

4. 2003年中国文联出版社出版其美学专著《绘事后素——中国古代绘画的五色美学观念》,2006年中国书店出版社出版其美学专著《象外之意——周易意象学与中国书画美学》,该著也是他博士论文的主要内容,对中国古代哲学、古代书法绘画美学、周易美学、道家美学等进行了综合探讨,从本体论、象数学、意象学的角度诠释了周易美学对中国书画美学的影响。
    His monograph of Aesthetics on Five Colors of Ancient Chinese Painting was published by CFLACPC (China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Publishing Corporation) in 2003, and his second monograph of The theory of Images of Zhou Yi and Aesthetics of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy was published by China Bookstore Press in 2006. His second monograph is also the main component of his doctoral dissertation, which is a comprehensive analysis of ancient Chinese philosophy, ancient Chinese aesthetics in painting and calligraphy, aesthetics of Zhou Yi and Taoist aesthetics. And the monograph, from different angles such as ontology, theory of images and theory of image and number, interprets the effect of aesthetics of Zhou Yi on Chinese aesthetics in painting and calligraphy.