

绝处逢生[jué chù féng shēng]

词典be snatched from the jaws of death绝处逢生;虎口余生。


词典be unexpectedly rescued from a desperate situation绝处逢生。


词典discovered safety's gate where danger seemed most threatening绝处逢生。

词典find rescue in desperate circumstances绝路逢生;绝处逢生。

绝处逢生 汉英大词典

绝处逢生[jué chù féng shēng]


be snatched from the jaws of death; be unexpectedly rescued from a desperate situation; discovered safety's gate where danger seemed most threatening; find rescue in desperate circumstances; I saved my neck by mere chance.

绝处逢生 网络解释

1. Jue Chu Feng Sheng:Tian Xia Di Yi Lou 天下第一樓 (CCTV) | Jue Chu Feng Sheng 绝处逢生 | Xie Se Nian Hua 血色年华

2. to be saved in the nick of time:54.what you hear may be false,but what you see is true:耳听为虚,眼见为实 | 55.to be saved in the nick of time:绝处逢生 | 56.do it yourself and you will get food and clothing you need:自己动手,丰衣足...

3. The Great Escape:The GodfatherI II III教父I II III | The Great Escape 绝处逢生 | The Hulk绿巨人

4. escape from a blind alley:利令智昏 be blinded by greed | 绝处逢生 escape from a blind alley | 无前途的职业 a blind alley job

绝处逢生 双语例句

1. 例1:他绝望了,正在此时,他见到远方的帆影,有了绝处逢生的希望。
    He gave up all the hope when the appearance of a distant sail raised his hope of rescue.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 他绝望了,正在此时,他见到远方的帆影,有了绝处逢生的希望。
    3He gave up all the hope when the appearance of a distant sail raised his hope of rescue.

3. 我们热爱这个职业,这种爱给我们绝处逢生的力量。
    We love this work, and this is what gives us the strength to go through bad times.

4. 绝处逢生的反义词

4. 那是因为,我们一直都相信希望总是绝处逢生
    Because we all know there's a chance we might let go too soon.

5. 如果说上帝不巧把你带进了困境,那么他也一定会让你绝处逢生
    If God brings you to it - He will bring you through it.

6. 呵呵,难道你不明白绝处逢生的道理吗?
    Ah, don't you understand the reason of be unexpected rescued from a desperate situation?

7. 他绝处逢生,从沙漠被救了回来。
    He was unexpectedly rescued from the desert.

8. 正如文章所指出的,谈判的最后阶段总是充满着边缘策略,最后反而会绝处逢生
    As today`s Wall Street Journal article notes, late-state negotiations often full of brinksmanship.

9. 绝处逢生

9. 我们也容易看到困境中的穆斯林往往能绝处逢生、免遭重创,这是安拉给信仰者在他们意想不到的地方开辟的出路。
    We are also easy to see the plight of the Muslims can often needed it, from the hit, it is Allah to the believers on their way to open up in unexpected places.

10. 阿梅:你好,我刚自上海回港,虽知你病情反覆,但请安心静养,暂时不要劳累工作,相信一定绝处逢生
    Though I know your condition is not stable, take good rest. Stop work temporarily, Believe everything will be revitalized after a stop.

11. 为什么我们即使在近乎绝望的时候,我们还是固执的背上那个沉重的行囊?那是因为,我们一直相信,希望总是绝处逢生
      Why do we clutch this baggage even when we were desperate to move on, because we all know there is a chance we might like go too soon.

12. danci.911cha.com

12. 白银外交和币制改革:绝处逢生的双赢游戏
      Silver Diplomatic and Monetary Reform: A Double-win Game

13. danci.911cha.com

13. 竹也象征着伟大的中华民族在帝国主义的侵略与压迫下,仍然能够坚韧不拔,绝处逢生
      Bamboo is also a symbol of the great Chinese people in the imperialist aggression and oppression will still be able perseverance needed it.

14. 以前,当在生活中遭遇到各种危难时,我开始认识到上帝对我们总是慈悲为怀,使我们绝处逢生。现在,这种感想又重新回到我的心头。
      This renew'd a Contemplation, which often had come to my Thoughts in former Time, when first I began to see the merciful Dispositions of Heaven, in the Dangers we run through in this Life.

15. 但也有人相信,欧洲仍有办法绝处逢生
      Others, however, believe Europe could still somehow step back from the brink.

16. 绝处逢生

16. 于是我们看到光,让生命绝处逢生、爱,使约定完美如初。
      Thus we see that the " light, so that life survivor, " " love, so perfect as ever agreed. " 3.

17. 绝处逢生是什么意思

17. 高盛曾多次在大灾难中上演绝处逢生的好戏;它的风险管理师是顶尖的,它的人员是绝顶聪明的。
      It has recovered from adversity many times. Its risk management is top-notch, its people super-smart (and don`t they know it).

18. 于是我们看到光,让生命绝处逢生、爱,使约定完美如初。
      Thus we see that the " light, so that life survivor," " love, so perfect as ever agreed. " 3.