

继立 双语例句

1. 经济行政本身日渐形成国家行政与公共行政并存的局面,以经济行政为主导的行政权继立法权、司法权后逐渐走近分权结构的中心。
    Economic administration itself is forming the phase of coexisting of state administration and commonality administration.

2. 假令扶苏不死继立,必取始皇之法纷更之,以求复三代之旧,至于国势微弱,强宗复起,亦必乱亡。
    Jia Ling Fusu die following lap, will take more of the First Emperor of France Fun, with a view to re-three generations of old, What about potential weak and strong cases of re-starting is fully chaotic death.

3. 继立的翻译

3. 脑干梗塞的临床与影像学对比研究王继立袁锦楣唐健摘要为了解脑干梗塞的早期临床特征,对28例脑干梗塞的影像学改变进行了系统分析。
    Clinical features and image diagnostic charactericties of brain stem infarction were studied in 28 patients to facilitate early diagnosis.

4. 论文分上下篇,上篇为史论,选取宋元话本、明公案短篇集、清代公案侠义小说、晚清侦探类小说、文言公案小说五个点作纵的观照,以把握中国古代公案小说的发展脉络以及在各个时期的特点;下篇为专题研究,对公案小说作品中出现较多的一些母题,如家族析产继立、男女婚恋私情、市井民事案件及其审判方式、判词与公案小说的文体特征等问题进行专门探讨。
    One describes the development and characteristics of Gongan novels in various period considering the following five points from the vertical perspective: Songyuanhuaben, Gongan short stories of Ming Dynasty, Gonganxiayi stories of Qing Dynasty, detective stories lately in Qing Dynasty and Gongan novels in classical Chinese. The other section comprises a series of researches on some special subjects such as family dividing and inheritance, love affairs, civil cases with the judicial methods and words as well as the styles of Gongan novels.