

绸密 双语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 当云变得更绸密时,温度也会跟着升高,最后,星云的中心温度不断升高,然后就形成核反应所产生的能量。
    As the cloud gets denser, it also gets hotter. Finally, the center of the cloud gets so hot that it begins to produce its own energy through nuclear reactions.

2. 绸密

2. 回想起来,记忆里充满的是清晨金黄色的阳光,穿越林荫路绸密的枝丫,洒在我和你相扣的手掌。
    Tell me how can i forget you, if you're never reallygo. I just hope the passion never dies. hey guy, it's

3. 雪梨,法新社—澳洲官员周日表示,全球暖化导致长期乾旱之后,在人口最绸密的州实施的某些限水措施,将会永远执行下去。
    SYDNEY, AFP — Some water restrictions introduced in Australia's most populous state because of a long-running drought will become permanent because of the threat of global warming, officials said Sunday.

4. 瀑布周围,百年古树,分外绸密,遮天蔽日。
    Falls around the centuries old trees, especially dense silk, zhe tian bi ri.