

罪己诏[zuì jǐ zhào]


罪己诏 双语例句

1. 罪己诏的翻译

1. 由此发现,围绕着罪己诏,始终贯穿着人们试图达到天与人合一、和谐相处于统一体中的努力。
    Center on criticizing oneself, man were making their best to reach the combination between God and man and live in a harmonious society.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 我们认为,把《轮台诏》称为罪己诏是不准确的。
    The Rescript for Luntai issued by Emperor Hanwu is not penitent for wars.

3. 罪己诏

3. 在诏书中,武帝没有表现出对过去穷兵黩武的悔悟,也没有反思自己一生过失,与罪己诏的差别很大。
    Emperor Hanwu didn't confess that warring for expanding territory was an error, nor did he confess his other mistakes in all his life in the Rescipt for Luntai.