

羊羔[yáng gāo]



羊羔 汉英大词典

羊羔[yáng gāo]


  例:羊羔虽美, 众口难调。

    Though lamb may be good, it is difficult to cook it to suit everyone's taste.

羊羔 网络解释

1. 羊羔是什么意思

1. lamb:ewe 母羊 | lamb 羊羔 | mutton 羊肉

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. eanling:gigot: 羊腿 | eanling: 羊羔 | wool: 羊毛

3. danci.911cha.com

3. ucuu:ucuu 羴 0 | ucuu 羊羔 0 | ucuw 美联社 256

羊羔 双语例句

1. 羊羔是什么意思

1. 27:16 又用山羊羔皮,包在雅各的手上、和颈项的光滑处
    And she put the skins of the kids on his hands and on the smooth part of his neck.

2. 羊羔的解释

2. 又用山羊羔皮包在雅各的手上和颈项的光滑处
    She also covered his hands and the smooth part of his neck with the goatskins.

3. 27:16 又用山羊羔皮包在雅各的手上和颈项的光滑处
    And she put the ski of the kids of the goats upon his hands, and upon the smooth of his neck

4. 羊羔

4. 又用山羊羔皮包在雅各的手上和颈项的光滑处
    And the skins of the young goats she put on his hands and on the smooth part of his neck.

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. 27:16 又用山羊羔皮包在雅各的手上和颈项的光滑处
    And she put the skins of the kids of the goats upon his hands, and upon the smooth of his neck

6. 马:噢,那是小羊羔。小马:它在哭
    Horse: Oh, it's a lamb Foal:It's crying.

7. 让我们因祭司的污秽而悔改(注:祭司应为人代求而非自义),恳请羊羔的宝血洗净我们。
    With this came another vision, and this time I saw the pile of gold coins in one half of a huge pair of scales, the other half being empty.

8. 羊羔

8. 本公司是总公司下属企业,设备齐全,有进口针织大园机,台湾产起毛机,剪毛机,梳毛机,定型机等配套设备于一体,生产加工方便快捷,且质量稳定,产品适用面广,主要产品有摇粒绒系列:超细摇粒绒,仿羊羔绒,压花摇粒绒等;经编系列:圈绒,花点绒,经编绒,短毛绒,平绒,仿平绒等;网眼系列:鸟眼布、网眼布及针织面料深加工,有抗静电,抗阻燃,防水,吸湿排汗,荧光,点塑,压花、涂金、涂银等等,还有复合系列:pu,pvc,TPU透气膜复合PE,TPE,PO环保、无毒背胶,及其它特种面料复合于一体。
    The main product has swing the grain of fabric series:superfine swing s, imitate sheep Astrakhan, embosses swing s and so on; the wrap knitting seres:encircles the fabric, the colored dot pattern woolen cloth, the short plush, the velveteen, the imitates the velveteen and so on; mesh series: Nyctalopia cloth, mash cloth ect. Have the anti-static electricity, anti-being flame-resistant, the waterproofing, the moisture absorption perspiration, the fluorescence the spot models, Tu Jin, Tu Yin and so on, but also has compound, pu, pvc, TUP passes the gas blanket compound PE, TPE, PO environmental protection, the non-toxic application of gum and other special lining bond in a body

9. 本公司是总公司下属企业,设备齐全,有进口针织大园机,台湾产起毛机,剪毛机,梳毛机,定型机等配套设备于一体,生产加工方便快捷,且质量稳定,产品适用面广,主要产品有摇粒绒系列:超细摇粒绒,仿羊羔绒,压花摇粒绒等;经编系列:圈绒,花点绒,经编绒,短毛绒,平绒,仿平绒等;网眼系列:鸟眼布、网眼布及针织面料深加工,有抗静电,抗阻燃,防水,吸湿排汗,荧光,点塑,压花、涂金、涂银等等,还有复合系列:pu,pvc,TPU透气膜复合PE,TPE,PO环保、无毒背胶,及其它特种面料复合于一体。
    The main product has swing the grain of fabric series:superfine swings, imitate sheep Astrakhan, embosses swings and so on; the wrap knitting seres:encircles the fabric, the colored dot pattern woolen cloth, the short plush, the velveteen, the imitates the velveteen and so on; mesh series: Nyctalopia cloth, mash cloth ect. Have the anti-static electricity, anti-being flame-resistant, the waterproofing, the moisture absorption perspiration, the fluorescence the spot models, Tu Jin, Tu Yin and so on, but also has compound, pu, pvc, TUP passes the gas blanket compound PE, TPE, PO environmental protection, the non-toxic application of gum and other special lining bond in a body.

10. 羊羔的解释

10. 这只小羊羔是奶羊和山羊配种的下一代,头上没有犄角。
    The lamb is a filial generation of a goat and a milch goat. There was no horn on the head.

11. 羊羔的翻译

11. 每支羊羔要用调油的细面伊法十分之一作为素祭和馨香的燔祭,是献给耶和华的火祭。
      And with each lamb, a grain offering of a tenth of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil.

12. 卡拉库尔小羊羔的毛皮。
      The fur of a very young karakul lamb.

13. 卡拉库尔小羊羔的毛皮。
      Fur made from the pelt of a karakul lamb.

14. 14:13 他要在宰赎罪祭牲和燔祭牲之地,就是在圣处,宰那只公羊羔;赎愆祭要归祭司,与赎罪祭一样;这是至圣的。
      Then he shall slaughter the male lamb in the place where they slaughter the sin offering and the burnt offering, in the place of the sanctuary; for the trespass offering like the sin offering is the priest's; it is most holy.

15. 羊羔的解释

15. 013 把公羊羔宰於圣地,就是宰赎罪祭牲和燔祭牲之地。赎愆祭要归祭司,与赎罪祭一样,是至圣的。
      And he shall slay the lamb in the place where he shall kill the sin offering and the burnt offering, in the holy place: for as the sin offering is the priest's, so is the trespass offering: it is most holy

16. 14:13 把公羊羔宰于圣地,就是宰赎罪祭牲和燔祭牲之地。赎愆祭要归祭司,与赎罪祭一样,是至圣的。
      And he shall slay the lamb in the place where he shall kill the sin offe***ng and the burnt offe***ng, in the holy place: for as the sin offe***ng is the p***est#s, so is the trespass offe***ng: it is most holy

17. 奥利弗为参加 G20的各国领导人准备了苏格兰野生鲑鱼、威尔士羊羔和传统的考馅饼。
      Oliver will cook the meal along with a team of young chefs from the apprentice program at his London restaurant, Fifteen.

18. 羊羔在线翻译

18. 贝德灵顿厚毛犬属于优美的,柔软的小猎犬品种,以其独一无二的往外突出的小杯般的耳朵以及小羊羔般的脸蛋和身体而闻名;皮毛整洁干净,卷而短,有白色,蓝色,黄褐色,淡茶色,肝红色;长长的耳朵呈三角型在尖端有小球围绕,挂在头部的两边,有时候以外凸的卷曲的皮毛为结尾;尾巴颇似老鼠尾巴;眼睛圆而笑,非常暗淡;成年站立肩高38—46公分,体重8—10公斤;贝德灵顿厚毛犬源于Rothbury小猎犬;发展于诺森伯兰郡,在18世纪末期,19世纪初期主要作为矿工和制针业者的一种娱乐小猎犬,它被用来捕捉浣熊,狐狸,水獭和害虫,有着锐利的视野;之后作为一种很好家庭伴侣犬被上层社会接纳,恭敬顺从不知疲倦的举止;被认为是一种乐于奉献的伴侣。
      Graceful and lithe breed of terrier known for its uniquely tassled and outward curving ears and for its lamblike face and body; coat is crisp, curly, and short and can be white, blue, tan, sandy, or liver in color; long ears are triangular with rounded balls at tips, and they hang down the side of the head, sometimes ending in an outward curl; tail is ratlike; eyes are round, small, and very dark; adult stands 1518 in.(3846 cm) tall at shoulders and weighs 1723 lbs (810 kg originally known as the Rothbury terrier; developed in Northumberland, England, in late 1700s or early 1800s as a game terrier by miners and nailmakers, who used this breed to catch badgers, foxes, otters, and vermin; hunts using its keen eyesight; later adopted as a good house companion by the upper classes; lively, tireless, and dutiful demeanor; considered a kind-hearted and devoted companion

19. 羊羔

19. 榆柳呀山楂,打扮着田舍人家,羊羔嬉游,牧笛儿整日价吹奏,百鸟总在各鸣,一片悠扬声韵,啁啁,啾啾,歌歌,割麦、插一禾!
      The palm and may make country houses gay, Lambs frisk and play, the shepherds pipe all day, And we hear aye birds tune this merry lay, Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo!

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. 与羊羔一同入睡,和云雀一块儿起床。
      Go to bed with the lamb, and rise with the lark.