

老当益壮[lǎo dāng yì zhuàng]


词典old but vigorous老当益壮。

词典become more vigorous [energetic] with age

词典gain vigour with age老当益壮。


词典have a green old age老当益壮。


词典Wrestling Ernest Hemingway[电影]老当益壮。

老当益壮 汉英大词典

老当益壮[lǎo dāng yì zhuàng]

old but vigorous; become more vigorous [energetic] with age; gain vigour with age; have a green old age; In spite of one's age, one cannot help feeling stronger than ever.; old in age but young in spirit; still going strong though getting on in years; Ther

老当益壮 网络解释

1. 老当益壮

1. There's many a good tune played on an old fiddle:There's as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it. 海里的好鱼是取之不... | There's many a good tune played on an old fiddle. 老当益壮. | There's many a slip between the cup and the lip. 天有不测风...

2. 老当益壮的近义词

2. There is life in the old dog yet:There is honour among thieves. 盗亦有道. | There is life in the old dog yet. 老当益壮. | There is more trouble in having nothing to do than in having much to do. 无事可做比有许多事要做更伤脑筋.

3. hale and hearty:slow and sure 慢而稳,稳妥 | hale and hearty 老当益壮 | chop and change 变幻莫测(尤指观点,计划等)

4. 老当益壮是什么意思

4. a green old age:in the green 青春期 | a green old age 老当益壮 | to get the green light 得到允许做某事

老当益壮 双语例句

1. 老当益壮的解释

1. 品牌:日本老当益壮
    Brand: ENSHU Japan. Good condition.

2. 即使格雷杰是个老当益壮之人,他也不可能采取这样的行动
    And though Grainger was a spry old party, such steps couldn't Be his

3. 精元之道青年学之补脑益智激发潜能;中年学之添精益髓夜无虚夕;老年学之添油接命老当益壮
    Jing yuan way young people learn of their potential to stimulate educational Bunao; study of middle-aged Tim Lean marrow night without virtual Xi; Gerontology of the oil pick Tim Laodangyizhuang life.

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. 圣尊长者已经年近60,他是美国人的偶像,深受人们的爱戴,老当益壮并且富可敌国。
    The Supreme Worshipful Master. The man, in his late fifties, was an American icon, well loved, robust, and incalculably wealthy.

5. 这句话是说他老当益壮
    In spite of his old age he is still as fit as a fiddle.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. 工作是他的终极热情。72岁的他还老当益壮
    Work is his ultimate passion. At 72 he still has the same drive.

7. 老当益壮是什么意思

7. 退休后,他决心老当益壮活得开心。
    After retirement, he made up his mind to live to a green old age.

8. 苏珊,你真实老当益壮啊!不是吗?
    Susan, you are a little tiger aren't you?

9. 即便真老了又怎么样,不是有句话叫老当益壮吗?
    Even really old, then what is not there is a saying healthy and strong do?

10. 你真是老当益壮啊?
    Susan, You are a little tiger, aren't you?

11. 梅普尔神甫正是处于岁寒不雕、老当益壮的时期。
      Father Mapple was in the hardy winter of a healthy old age.

12. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

12. 提琴虽老,仍可奏出好的曲子;老当益壮
      There's many a good tune played on an old fiddle.

13. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

13. 老练、老成、老手、老马识途、老马嘶风、老当益壮、老谋深算、老成持重、老成练达、老松耐寒、老骥伏枥,志在千里、老将出马,一人顶两、树老根须多,人老见识多、生姜老的辣、老凤清于雏凤声、不听老人言,吃亏在眼前
      Before doing something, Chinese will trace back to the old experience trying to get some successful tips.

14. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

14. 我必须再说一遍,我衷心佩服你老当益壮的侠义精神。
      'I must say again that I heartily admire your gallantry and youthfulness.'

15. 喔,他可真是个老当益壮的人,永远充满活力呢。
      Oh, he's a real spring chicken, always full of energy.

16. 这两口子真可谓老当益壮,精力充沛。
      The couple are really having an old green age.

17. 老当益壮的意思

17. 而TranMinhThiem此时正在胡志明市的各个老年人俱乐部巡回表演,一下午连续转上7000个圈子,并告诉越南老人如何让自己老当益壮
      Thiem is touring Ho Chi Minh City's old people's clubs, spinning up to7, 000 times in an afternoon and showing other elderly Vietnamese how to roll back the years.

18. 我真佩服你老当益壮的侠义精神,罗瑞先生。
      'How I admire the gallantry of your youthful spirit, Mr. Lorry.'

19. 老当益壮,宁移白首之心?
      Healthy and strong, shifting white-ning the first heart?

20. 年轻的时候,朋友能帮助你,让你少犯错误;年老的时候,朋友能照顾你,让你老当益壮;风华正茂的时候,朋友能协助你,让你完成大业。
      Friends are an aid to the young, to guard them from error; to the elderly, to attend to their wants and to supplement their failing power of action; to those in the prime of life, to assist them to noble deeds.