

Providing for the elderly;
老有所终 双语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 不养,人年纪老了,应该老有所终
    As it is said, the elderly should be tended

2. 中文摘要高龄化社会的来临,「老有所终」的理想受到重视。
    In the aging society, it`s a focus weather the elderly could have a successful aging.

3. 行善十多年,帮助的对象无数,也积极的奔走募款,只为了让老人家老有所终,因为我们深信我们明天都会老!
    Does good deeds for more than ten years, helps the object are innumerable, also positive runs raises funds, only to let the old person always have the institute finally, because we deeply believed that we can be old tomorrow!

4. 如何建立团队向心力,让工作绩效不断提升,除了自我发展、成就事业之外,更能为客户提供完善之规划,帮助更多的保户,以达〝老有所终,鳏寡孤独,皆有所养〞之大同境界。
    In this highly competitive business environment, there is a need to take advantages of competition in the office scenario by organizing teams and creating stronger management to shape the organizational culture and train high quality employees.

5. 老有所终什么意思

5. 用30载爱心让一村之中老有所终,幼有所长,鳏寡孤独废疾者皆有所养。
    The benevolence of use the 30 years let Tsun 1 in old have eventually, young have long, widowers, widows, orphans and the childless incapacitating disease all have to keep.

6. 老有所养、老有所终是人类社会由来已久的一个古老话题。
    The endowment is an old topic in a long history of human being.

7. 如何针对吉林省的社会经济实际情况,充分利用现有资源,解决现在和将来的农村养老问题,使农村老年人老有所养,老有所终,成为摆在我们面前的重要课题。
    It will become the important topic being suspended in front of us that how make a meal of the existing resources to solve the problem of security for the rural elder according to the actual social economy situation of Jilin Province.