






老爷们 双语例句

1. 建群也是同样的道理,一个全是老爷们的群,肯定长久不了。
    Build group also be same argument, one is old man completely group, affirmation is long not.

2. 我们知道这意味着什么,我们大家都还记得当年协约国老爷们在全德国到处趾高气扬的样子。
    We know what that means. We all remember the days when Allied inspectors wandered around Germany.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 也许,我并不是按通常的方式感谢人们的;因为,绅士老爷们给我的,往往不是我需要的东西。
    I'm not grateful to folks in a general way, p'raps, because the things as gentlefolks have give me have a'most allus been the very things I didn't want.

4. 老爷们的翻译

4. 是不能精确预测,但是几率预测也是有用的。就怕他们连几率预测都测不出来,或者有人测出来了,他们官僚老爷们根本就不在乎。
    On May 3, around 20:00 local time, Ngawa Prefecture's Earthquake Relief Authority received a number of phone calls asking them to confirm or deny a rumor that an earthquake had been predicted for Matang Village of Suomo township of Barkam County...

5. 凡是对冶游格外挑剔的老爷们,可务必去观赏一下她们在流银色泪水的葬仪蜡烛映照下的天堂地狱表演。那是每天晚上都举行的。
    Misters very selects for is pleasure must to visit heaven and hell show with mortuary candles and they tears silver which occur every night.

6. 老爷们

6. 回头你气病了,还不愿意告诉我,傻老爷们
    You'll sulk to illness, and shy away from telling me, you fool.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 这些老爷们不拿我的主人当正人君子看,叫你来盯他的梢,这还不够,还要千方百计阻扰人家,我真替他们难为情。"
    It's a conspiracy, then, 'cried Passepartout, who became more and more excited as the liquor mounted in his head, for he drank without perceiving it.

8. 老爷们

8. 有一个当差,手里拿着一大束燃旺了的线香,看见朱吟秋这一班老爷们挤上来,就分给每人一枝。
    An attendant with a large bundle of burning incense in his hand, seeing Chu Yin-chiu's party crowding up, began distributing a stick to each of them.

9. 边疆人认为茶是一种稀薄乏味的饮料,只适合病人或不能进行体力劳动的人饮用,例如英国的贵族老爷们
    Frontiersmen believed teas to be insipid " slops " fit only for the sick and those who, like British Lords, were incapable of bodily labor.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. 真假嗓音变换唱出的歌或发出的叫喊声听了半天也不知道她在唱什么,等她唱完谢幕一摘假发,竟然是个老爷们
    After listening to half a day do not know what she was singing, she was finished singing a curtain call Abstract wig, it was a classic!

11. 倒是安边站着的一些穿紧身泳裤的老爷们让我觉得很好笑。
      Although, I was fairly amused by guys wearing speedoes on on the shore.

12. 老爷们尽管可以高呼和平,和平!但是依然没有和平。
      Gentleman may cry, Peace, Peace-but there is no peace.

13. 911查询·英语单词

13. 我们呢就只有两排渊凯老爷们,各领着一队训练不周的猴子。
      Our side consists of two score Yunkish lordlings, each with his own half-trained monkey men.

14. 老爷们在线翻译

14. 虽说现实中有些女孩儿喜欢被男生黏着,但她们喜欢被黏的理由都不太正常:要么就是她没安全感,需要别人的注意;要么就是控制狂,总想操纵咱老爷们
      Actually, some girls do like that, but usually for all the wrong reasons & either they're insecure and needy for attention, or they're control freaks who like to dominate guys.

15. 老爷们是什么意思

15. 据说鬼魂喜欢在生前常到的地方出没,因此没有了钱的老爷们也常在他们过去存钱的地方出没。
      Spirits are supposed to haunt the places where their bodies most resorted, and Monseigneur without a guinea haunted the spot where his guineas used to be.

16. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

16. 我从来就没有听过任何一个候选人声称他们要去浪费、欺诈、污染、犯罪以及要为官老爷们多付薪酬的。
      I've never heard any candidate claim to be for waste, fraud, pollution, crime, or overpaid bureaucrats.

17. 我这个伺候过月子的老爷们略知一二,本着急公好义,舍己为人的原则试着支一招。
      I had to wait on the lords little son, in the spirit急公好义, the principle of self-sacrifice well try to support a move.