1. 纪念这一天没有使世界更和谐,而是翻老账,新怨旧恨重上心头。
Commemorating doesn't make the world more harmonious, on the contrary it brings up old hatreds and new resentment again.
2. 老账的翻译
2. 现在它丝毫不让我感到烦恼。它只不过是陈年老账。
It does not bother me now at all. It is all ancient history.
3. 那件事几年前就无人过问了,别去翻老账了。
That affair was finally laid to rest years ago. Don't go and resurrect it again.
4. 我压根儿就不该把那件事告诉你,我就知道你会翻我的老账的。
I should never have told you that. I knew you'd throw it back at me.
5. 我不想翻出老账。
Don't want to stir up any muck.
6. 这些“老账”可能会困扰各银行。
This may come back to haunt the banks.
7. 老账的解释
7. 她说,利比亚也必须找出办法,在各个不同派别之间达成和解,并压制住“算过去的老账”的冲动想法。
Libya will also need to find ways of reconciling its diverse population and resist the urge to " settle scores from the past, " she said.
8. 老账的意思
8. 她说,利比亚也必须找出办法,在各个不同派别之间达成和解,并压制住“算过去的老账”的冲动想法。
Libya will also need to find ways of reconciling its diverse population and resist the urge to " settle scores from the past," she said.
9. 我有一笔老账要跟他算。
I have an old score to settle with him.
10. 老账是什么意思
10. 我和那家伙有些老账要清算。
I have some old scores to settle with that fellow.
11. danci.911chaxun.com
11. 在右翼阵营里,对中国的污蔑已经成了算冷战时期老账的方式。
On the right, China-bashing has become a way of settling old scores from the Cold War.
12. 老账在线翻译
12. 那件事几年前就无人过问了,别去翻老账了。
That affair was finally laid to rest years ago.
13. 我和那家伙有些老账要清算。
D I have some old scores to settle with that fellow.
14. 老账是什么意思
14. 我们来算下老账,闭上嘴坐下。
15. 假使你以前屁股真的不干净,那么不消多时,老账新账就会和你一起算了。
If you really had notorious records, you would be fixed with your old and new accounts.
16. 不要因减息而使农民借不到债,不要因清算老账而无偿收回典借的土地。
Interest should not be so low as to make it impossible for the peasants to obtain loans, nor the settlement of old accounts be such as to enable the peasants to get back their mortgaged land gratis.