

耆年 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 礼贤会禾輋耆年中心於1982年8月开始投入服务,服务初期,会员约有105人,全是来自当时社区上的一个「松柏小组」,现时会员人数已增至大约500人。
    Wo Che Social Centre for the elderly started its services from August 1982. It began with an elderly group with 100 members and at present there are over 500 members.

2. 耆年是什么意思

2. 看,当普照万物的太阳从东方抬起了火红的头,下界的眼睛都对他初升的景象表示敬仰,用目光来恭候他神圣的驾临;然后他既登上了苍穹的极峰,象精力饱满的壮年,雄姿英发,万民的眼睛依旧膜拜他的峥嵘,紧紧追随着他那疾驰的金驾。但当他,象耆年拖着尘倦的车轮,从绝顶颤巍巍地离开了白天,众目便一齐从他下沉的足印移开它们那原来恭顺的视线。同样,你的灿烂的日中一消逝,你就会悄悄死去,如果没后嗣。
    Lo in the orient when the gracious light Lifts up his burning head, each under eye Doth homage to his new-appearing sight, Serving with looks his sacred majesty, And having climbed the steep-up heavenly hill, Resembling strong youth in his middle age, Yet mortal looks adore his beauty still, Attending on his golden pilgrimage: But when from highmost pitch with weary car, Like feeble age he reeleth from the day, The eyes now converted are From his low tract and look another way: So thou, thy self out-going in thy noon: Unlooked on diest unless thou get a son.

3. 万隶甫夫人耆年中心〔中华基督教礼贤会香港区会〕伍锐贤主席出席布禄仑华人协会六大道老人中心的周年庆祝活动。
    Mrs Mann Tai Po Social Centre for the Elderly [The Chinese Rhenish Church HK Synod] President Eric Ng attended the One Year Anniversary of the Sixth Avenue Senior Center of the Brooklyn Chinese-American Association.

4. 万隶甫夫人耆年中心〔中华基督教礼贤会香港区会〕伍锐贤主席出席布禄仑华人协会六大道老人中心的周年庆祝活动。
    Mrs Mann Tai Po Social Centre for the Elderly [ The Chinese Rhenish Church HK Synod ] President Eric Ng attended the One Year Anniversary of the Sixth Avenue Senior Center of the Brooklyn Chinese-American Association.