

耍手腕[shuǎ shǒu wàn]


词典play tricks捣鬼;掉枪花;玩花招;弄虚作假。


词典juggle with欺骗,歪曲;耍手腕。

耍手腕 汉英大词典

耍手腕[shuǎ shǒu wàn]

play tricks; manoeuvre; juggle with

耍手腕 双语例句

1. 耍手腕是什么意思

1. 为谋一已之利而耍手腕、拉帮派,无视企业利益,无疑是给自己制造陷井。
    Is depleted, myself, one of the wrist, La gang, ignore the corporate interests is for yourself.

2. 耍手腕的翻译

2. 政客们必须花言巧语、耍手腕和变换政纲以迎合听众、取媚世俗,而有远大理想的领导人从不乏跟随他们的人。
    Politicians must cajole and manipulate and change their platform to fit the occasion or audience, but leaders with vision never lack a following.

3. 如果你不耍手腕,我想你可能是唯一的一个。
    If you didn`t play games, and I think you were probably the only one.

4. 耍手腕什么意思

4. 他们不耍手腕时都很愚蠢,而他们之中善于要手腕的并不多。
    They are all stupid when they are not crafty, and very few of them are crafty.

5. 我知道,你向我们耍手腕总是能得逞。
    I know you can always get everything you want by playing us politics.

6. 我又抓到汤姆在耍手腕了!
    I've caught Tom at tricks again!

7. 耍手腕的近义词

7. 在商业学校里唯一学不到的事就是怎样在签协议时耍手腕
    The one thing they don't teach you at business school is how to cut a mean deal.

8. 耍手腕的反义词

8. 但耍耍手腕,表面上控制一下银行支付给员工的报酬,并不能解决这些问题。
    But those problems will not be addressed by playing around with superficial controls on what the banks pay their staff.

9. 这个证人一口咬定他的证词是真实的,尽管辩护律师耍手腕企图迷惑他,说他的证词不可信。
    The witness stoutly held his ground despite Defending Counsel's skilled efforts to confuse him and discredit his testimony.

10. 耍手腕的近义词

10. 他在房地产行业工作了许多年,得到了一个令人敬畏的耍手腕者的名场院。
    He worked in the property business for a number of years, acquiring a reputation as a formidable wheeler-dealer.

11. 耍手腕在线翻译

11. 他总是耍手腕,总是想轻易地发财。
      He was always wheeling and dealing, always looking for a fast buck.

12. 现在需要采取行动,打造一个多一些温和、少一些耍手腕的沙特。
      Moves to create a more moderate, less manipulative Saudi Arabia are now needed.

13. 耍手腕的近义词

13. 我们也明白了这扇门如此殷勤地在冉阿让面前打开,是德纳第在耍手腕
      Thus it will be easily understood that that grating, so obligingly opened to Jean Valjean, was a bit of cleverness on Thenardier's part.

14. 中国充满神秘的沉默让人想起了冷战,在那个时候,竞争对手每一次“耍手腕”都被证明为有深奥议程的证据。
      The mysteries surrounding China's silence are reminiscent of the cold war, when every case of muscle-flexing by competing powers was examined for evidence of a deeper agenda.

15. 像这样耍手腕来筹措营运资金,是一种不牢靠的企业融资方式,不适合那些喜欢平静生活的人。
      Playing games with working capital like this is not for those who like a quiet life, and is a precarious method of financing an enterprise.

16. 而意大利却全靠公共财政管理人士耍手腕,才免遭责难。
      Had it not been for smart footwork by the people who manage its public finances, Italy would have been arraigned too.