



词典be skilled in literary tricks耍笔杆;耍笔杆子。

耍笔杆子 双语例句

1. 我住的城市离硅谷很近,我的邻居也大多是吃技术饭的,就我自己是个耍笔杆子的。
    My town is pretty close to Silicon Valley, and most of my neighbors make their living in technology, while I make mine writing about it.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 结果是,企业人浮于事,到处都是耍笔杆子的人。
    As a result, industry was overmanned and pen-pushers were everywhere.

3. 耍笔杆子

3. 跟他说,我认为耍笔杆子最没出息,比尔说。
    " Tell him I think writing is lousy, " Bill said.

4. 耍笔杆子的解释

4. 250布卢姆:喏,我是耍笔杆子的,作家兼记者。
    BLOOM: Well, I follow a literary occupation, author-journalist.

5. 谁怀疑它,它就说谁反对帮助老百姓买房。1996年,国会预算局公布了一篇批判房利美的研究报告,公司的一位发言人轻蔑地称这份报告是只会耍笔杆子的经济学家的作品。
    It accused anyone who questioned it of being anti-home-ownership.

6. 跟他说,我认为耍笔杆子最没出息,比尔说。
    " Tell him I think writing is lousy," Bill said.