



耍闹 网络解释

1. 耍闹在线翻译

1. gamboln:510galen. 狂风,大风 | 511gamboln. 跳跃,雀跃,嬉戏; v. 跳跃,雀跃,耍闹 | 512gapen. 裂口,张嘴; v. 裂开,张嘴

耍闹 双语例句

1. 耍闹是什么意思

1. 他们沉浸在这种美妙的感觉中,嬉戏耍闹,欢呼雀跃。看到满是露水的青草,他们蜂拥而至。
    In the ecstasy of that thought they gambolled round and round, they hurled themselves into the air in great leaps of excitement.

2. 示威者耍闹得很凶,使在场的警察和保安人员都个个手忙脚乱。
    The demonstrators would make themselves sufficiently a nuisance so that any police or security forces on the scene would be kept busy.

3. 这位老人在院子里与他的孙子们乱跑乱叫地耍闹
    Romp顽皮嬉戏, 例句: The old man was romping in the courtyard with his grandsons.

4. 上课铃响以前,孩子们在教室里嘻嘻哈哈地耍闹着。
    Before the bell rang, the children were having horseplay in the classroom.