



词典hearing power耳力。

耳力 双语例句

1. 一、引言跨国公司(multinational co耳力~)的迅速崛起是当今世界经济发展的一大特征〔`〕。80年代以来,跨国公司对外直接投资的大量增加和信息、通讯技术的进步,使全球范围内的生产跨国组合迅速增长,国际间的社会经济联系空前紧密川川。
    At present, the rapid growth of multinational corporation is one of the major economic phenomena in the world.

2. 你的耳力不错
    You have quite an ear.

3. 这也归功于Craig的好耳力与绝佳录音技术。
    Kudos also to Craig for his great ears and engineering!

4. 在我本人生活中,我有一个值得珍惜的朋友,她年已六十五岁,所历生活非常艰苦,但思维敏捷,耳力很好。她已经走过我在走的路,可以帮我了解它。她不仅是一个非常理想的母亲,而且是一位我长大后想效仿的人。
    I have in my own life a precious friend, a woman of 65 who has lived very hard, who is wise, who listens well; who has been where I am and can help me understand it; and who represents not only an ultimate ideal mother to me but also the person I'd like to be when I grow up.