1. 因为「胜美地土地赠与法案」片有著耸峭的悬崖峭壁,巨大林木,以及美得让人无法呼吸的瀑布的优胜美地绝美景观,才得以保存下来开放给大众。
Because of the Yosemite Land Grant the incredible landscape of Yosemite, with its impressive cliffs, massive trees, and breathtaking waterfalls, has been preserved and open to the public.
2. 一棵大树,它的枝愈是热切地向往切入云间,朝高朝上,进入光明,进入耸峭,进入善,它的根就愈是决绝地力求插进地里,朝低朝下,进入黑暗,进入渊深,进入恶。
An enormous tree, the more its branches endeavor eagerly for the clouds, upwards, into the light, into the height, into Good, the more its roots strive determinedly for the earth, downwards, into the darkness, into the depth, into Evil.
3. 耸峭的解释
3. 因为「优胜美地土地赠与法案」这片有著耸峭的悬崖峭壁,巨大林木,以及美得让人无法呼吸的瀑布的优胜美地绝美景观,才得以保存下来开放给大众。
Because of the Yosemite land grant the incredible landscape of yosemite, with its impressive cliffs, massive trees, and breathtaking waterfalls, has been preserved and open to the public.