

聚精会神[jù jīng huì shén]

词典concentrate one's attention (and energy) on

词典be absorbed专心;聚精会神。

词典be all attention十分注意,全神贯注;屏息习气;殷勤备至。

词典concentrate one's mind on聚精会神。

词典gather oneself together聚精会神,打起精神来准备出力。

聚精会神 汉英大词典

聚精会神[jù jīng huì shén]

concentrate one's attention (and energy) on; be absorbed; be all attention; concentrate one's mind on; direct one's energies to; gather one's wits; rivet [focus] one's attention on [upon]; very attentively; with breathless interest; (listen) with close att


    They are listening to the lecture with avid attention.

聚精会神 网络解释

1. 聚精会神

1. concentrate v:comrade n. 同志 | concentrate v. 聚精会神 | concept n. 概念

2. 聚精会神

2. self-absorption:self-absorbed 固执己见 | self-absorption 聚精会神 | self-abuse 自责

3. assiduous:abroad 出国 | assiduous 聚精会神 | torpedo 鱼雷

4. 聚精会神是什么意思

4. gather oneself together:gather in 收集 | gather oneself together 聚精会神 | gather roses 寻欢作乐