

肉汁[ròu zhī]








肉汁 汉英大词典

肉汁[ròu zhī]

gravy; myoserum; (meat) juice

肉汁 网络解释

1. 肉汁什么意思

1. gravy:还要做土豆呢,胡萝卜和另一种萝卜(tunips)煮成的泥,肉汁(gravy)和stuffing (照理要塞在火鸡肚子里的面包洋葱的填塞物)就都买了现成的,stuffing就不塞鸡肚子里了,健康一点.

2. meat extract:肉 meat | 肉汁 meat extract | 机械隔离 mechanical isolation

3. meat juice:meat inspection 肉品检验 | meat juice 肉汁 | meat mixer 肉混和机

肉汁 双语例句

1. 他在喝的其实是肉汁
    He was inadvertently slurping the gravy at the time.

2. 肉汁的反义词

2. 而在日式简餐料理方面,处理过程非常细腻,像是脆皮嫩鸡腿佐柠檬鸡酱,先将去骨鸡腿和姜、清酒、迷迭香等香料腌制,酥炸后淋上以柠檬汁、鱼露、辣椒调配的特制鸡酱,皮脆肉嫩的鸡腿肉汁饱满,带有些许的酸、甜、辣味,加上三个配菜、每日汤品和饮料,丰富得让人大呼满足。
    And three side dishes, soup, and drink come with the main course.

3. Sunday roast 包含了烘烤的肉、烘烤马铃薯、蔬菜以及肉汁
    A Sunday roast consists of roasted meat, roasted potatoes, vegetables with gravy.

4. 肉汁的反义词

4. 她的秘诀是,多夹一片浸过肉汁的面包
    Her secret is, she puts an extra slice of gravy-soaked bread in the middle.

5. 肉汁在线翻译

5. 这种爽脆的十字花科蔬菜比肉汁煮虾肉更能补充人们所需的营养。
    This crunchy cruciferous vegetable is more than the filler that goes with shrimp in brown sauce.

6. 有16种速溶的马铃薯糊粉,75种速溶肉汁,120种面食酱。
    There were 16 varieties of instant mashed potatoes, 75 different instant gravies, 120 different pasta sauces.

7. 肉汁

7. 如果你决定带上感恩节的菜肴,比如火鸡,肉汁,土豆泥,越莓酱,或者南瓜饼,请尽快打电话给我们的办公室62683957让我们知道!
    If you decide to bring a Thanksgiving dish (turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, or pumpkin pie), please call the office at 62683957 as soon as possible to let us know.

8. 用浸泡得烂糟糟的面包片蘸肉汁来吃。
    Scoffing up stewgravy with sopping sippets of bread.

9. 肉汁是什么意思

9. 花色肉冻尤指由肉汁和胶汁做的清的肉冻,可撒上糖粉或装饰物或做成肉类,鱼或蔬菜的形状
    A clear jelly typically made of stock and gelatin and used as a glaze or garnish or to make a mold of meat, fish, or vegetables.

10. danci.911chaxun.com

10. 在此之后,一切都肉汁
    After that, it's all gravy!

11. 是的,是肉汁,我昨天晚上溅到的。
      Yes, it's gravy. I spilled it last night.

12. 我不想被做成馅饼,我不喜欢调味肉汁
      I don`t want to be a pie……I don`t like gravy.

13. 肉汁

13. 我想我要一个热的牛肉三明治加上大量肉汁
      I guess I'll have a hot beef sandwich with plenty of gravy.

14. 我得要做肉汁
      I need to make the gravy.

15. 我不喜欢吃蔬菜时蘸肉汁
      I don`t like 5gravy on my vegetables.

16. 肉汁什么意思

16. 请记住,这不是所有的肉汁
      This system actually comes to fruition at the end.

17. 没事,我来处理肉汁
      I've got this, wolfgang.

18. 肉汁的翻译

18. 我相当郑重地点了一道索里兹伯里牛排,想当然地认为在那考究的菜名后面是盘美味可口的牛排,上面还淋着肉汁的那种。
      I grandly ordered a Salisbury steak, confident in the knowledge that beneath that fancy name was a good old hamburger with gravy.

19. 肉汁

19. 当吞咽困难时,许多患者仍可以通过酱或肉汁将食物弄软。
      When swallowing is difficult, many patients can still manage soft, bland foods moistened with sauces or gravies.

20. 好,我就过去看看,肉汁在召唤了。
      Yes, of course. I`ll be right there. Sorry, Lumpy gravy calls.