

肉鳍[ròu qí]



肉鳍 汉英大词典

肉鳍[ròu qí]

(of cuttlefish, etc.) fin

肉鳍 双语例句

1. 肉鳍的意思

1. 一只最近抓获的并保留下来的属于这一种属的肉鳍四脚鱼出现在第一集中。
    One recently-caught, preserved member of this group appears in the first episode.

2. 他发现这一种属的肉鳍应在7000万年前灭绝。
    He discovers that this species of Sarcopterygian should have been extinct for 70 million years.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 两栖动物的祖先是肉鳍鱼类,但是到底是起源于哪类肉鳍鱼尚不明确。
    The ancestors of amphibians fin fish meat, but in the end is the type of meat originated in the fins of fish is not clear.

4. 肉鳍鱼以一种二行程的口腔帮浦呼吸。就拿肺鱼当例子好了。
    A lobe-fin--lungfish, for example--breathes with a kind of two-stroke mouth pump.

5. 肉鳍四脚鱼的鳍肢与人们想象的四脚动物祖先的脚十分相似,因此肉鳍四脚鱼是陆地脊椎动物的直系祖先这一说法被广泛认可。
    The fin-limbs of sarcopterygiians are so like the expected ancestral form of tetrapod limbs that they have been universally considered the direct ancestors of land vertebrates.

6. 由于斑鳞鱼仅有一些零散的材料,研究者对这种奇异的特征组合心存疑虑,但是鬼鱼的出现证实这些特征组合是完全可信的。和斑鳞鱼及许多其它的肉鳍鱼类(包括拉蒂迈鱼,现生空棘鱼)一样,鬼鱼的脑颅也分为前后两个部分。
    On the whole, early fossils are thought to be unreliable as minimum-date markers of evolutionary branching events11, because they are less complete and/or lack the full anatomical signature of the group to which they are assigned.

7. 克隆的基因与从GenBank中获取的人、小家鼠、黄牛、匙吻白鲟、角虎鲨Hoxa11基因及青鳉Hoxa11a基因进行比较分析,这些动物代表了有颌类的三个谱系:软骨鱼类谱系、辐鳍鱼类谱系(斑马鱼、大黄鱼、花鲈、罗非鱼、红鳍东方鲀、乌鳢、青鳉和匙吻白鲟)和肉鳍鱼类谱系(矛尾鱼、热带爪蟾、绿背树蜥、家鸡、人、小家鼠和黄牛)。
    Hoxall genes from 16 vertebrates were analyzed, containing 10 cloned Hoxall genes mentioned above and 6 Hoxall genes from GenBank, Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Bos taurus, Polyodon spathula, Heterodontus francisci, and Oryzias latipes, in representatives of the three major gnathostome lineages: cartilaginous fish, ray-finned fish and lobe-finned fish.