

肖形 双语例句

1. 肖形在线翻译

1. 印面内容有官职、姓名、吉语和肖形图案等,形状则大小不一,有长方形、方形、圆形和其他各种异形。
    The characters in these seals described one's official position, name; as well as containing lucky words, Zodiac logo and others.

2. 重点分析了南阳汉画像石动物肖形的艺术形式和风格之美,南阳汉画像石动物肖形的造型、线条、构图等都给我们进行美术创作提供了借鉴。
    The focus of analysis of Han Dynasty Stone Relief Shaw shaped the art form and style of beauty, of Han Dynasty Stone Relief Shaw shaped shape, line, composition, etc. gave us the creative arts to provide a reference.

3. 印面的内容,一般有姓名印、字号印、里籍印、斋室印、闲章、肖形印、画像印等,不仅用作持印者的凭信,更可表征持印者的品操和志趣。
    Seals can be those of a person`s name, alias, hometown, or study. They can also be unofficial personal seals, usually containing an idiom or quotation from poems, or a person`s portrait.