

Concentrated fertilizer;
肥浓 双语例句

1. 他们的口味肥浓、鲜嫩而忌辣。
    Their strong taste of fat, fresh and spicy bogey.

2. 肉品中爱吃白肉、鱼虾蟹蚌和野味,嗜肥浓,喜腥鲜,口味重油偏咸。
    In the white meat to eat meat, and mussels Yuxia Xie Game, Anopheles thick fat, hi fresh fishy taste salty-heavy oil.

3. 他们也不喜欢过于肥浓、辛辣的食品,更忌食核桃。
    They do not like too much fat concentrated, spicy food, more Jishi walnut.