



词典foundling hospital育婴堂。


育婴堂 网络解释

1. foundling hospital:座落著一幢不太為遊客所熟悉的三層高建築物,它是為紀念育嬰堂(foundling hospital)的創辦人托馬斯.科林,和兩位著名的校監──著名畫家威廉.荷嘉夫和著名音樂家佐治.韓道,...

2. inclusa f:distrito f. 区,县 412 415 | inclusa f. 育婴堂 412 415 | uruguayo adj. -s 乌拉圭的;乌拉圭人 412 415

育婴堂 双语例句

1. 育婴堂的解释

1. 我们需要有更多的托儿所、育婴堂和幼儿园。
    We need more nursery schools, creches and kindergartens.

2. 清代宝庆府社会救济机构建设中的官民合作&以育婴堂和养济院为中心
    Cooperation between Official and Civil Social Welfare Institutions in Baoqing Prefecture in the Qing Dynasty

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3. 田野的另一端是育婴堂
    There, across the fields, was the'baby farm'.

4. 育婴堂的解释

4. 对育婴堂、河工、灾荒赈济等地方公益事业的资助等方面,同时,盐商也成为地方的代表,进行着宗族建设和地方社会建设。
    At the same time, the salt merchants became the representatives of the local society to engage in the management of their lineage and local commonwealth causes.

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5. 主要是从朝廷政令、户籍管理,以及各类慈善救济机构的设立概况等方面了解清政府对弱势群体的关注态度,并对养济院、普济堂、栖流所、育婴堂、清节堂等机构做了简要介绍。
    We can know the attitude of the government about the Socialdisadvantaged groups from the government decree, household register ofimperial court, and all kinds of relieve respects such as the establishmentoverview of the Charity organization. At last, the article makes briefintroduction about these organizations, such as puji hall, qingjie hall, qiliu hall, foundling hospital, qingjie hall.

6. 育婴堂的反义词

6. 她造第一间育婴堂的时候,他干吗去了?
    When she was building her first foundling asylum, what was he doing?

7. 育婴堂是什么意思

7. 我都可以往育婴堂送牛奶了,夫人。
    I can carry milk to the baby`s house, ma`am.

8. 育婴堂

8. 那个人把我抱到育婴堂里,在那儿,我被编为五十七号。
    The man carried me to the foundling asylum, where I was registered under the number 37

9. 育婴堂

9. 在这些控告之上,还有人竟控告我在负责育婴堂事务时雇用老掉了牙的、昏庸的亲戚给育婴堂做饭。
    On top of this I was accused of employing toothless and incompetent old relatives to prepare the food for the foundling'hospital when I warden.

10. 育婴堂的解释

10. 在这些控告之上,还有人竟控告我在负责育婴堂事务时雇用老掉了牙的、昏庸的亲戚给育婴堂做饭。
    On top of this I was accused of employing toothless and incompetent old relatives to prepare the food for the foundling hospital when I was warden.

11. 育婴堂的翻译

11. 那育婴堂的灯盏照耀着,闪耀着,她们的繁殖将我的灯盏浸没!
      The nursery lights they shine, they shine, they multiply they douse mine!