



胆颤心寒 双语例句

1. 我追寻爱的第二个原因,爱可以消解孤独——多么可怕的孤独,一眼望过世界的边缘便是深不可测而又没有生命的深渊,每每想起,便胆颤心寒
    I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy -- ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of my life for a few hours of this joy.

2. 我追寻爱的第二个原因,爱可以消解孤独——多么可怕的孤独,一眼望过世界的边缘便是深不可测而又没有生命的深渊,每每想起,便胆颤心寒
    I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness -- that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the unfathomable lifeless abyss.

3. 但今时今日,重工业让现代的老总们胆颤心寒:固定资产、蓝领工人和资金投入都被视作应予规避、外包或是摆脱的风险。
    But today heavy industry makes modern bosses shudder: all those assets, the blue-collar workers, the investment, are regarded as risks to be spun off, outsourced or dumped.